A Castrovel Adventure: Part 4, Chapter 32 Document in Castrovel (from Paizo's Pathfinder Setting) | World Anvil
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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 4, Chapter 32

In which Lady Vaeol and her housemates deal with the Clanmoot’s aftermath and confront the war’s next phase.

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil Yaranevae be’Son
2. Zielae, 24,545 - Late Nighttide Afterword   Tonight we have slept not. Too much has outhappened, which here I will try best to bewrite. Unhappily, it also meant our babes have not slept, which has grown endless ill will atop yesterday’s sorrow. Vosaeth at least now sleeps beside while I write, with our two sons nestled. I hope to quell thought enough to cleave them.   Lady Byreath and the Zhihuafa have outspoken their will to leave the Clanmoot and begin the wanderfare southward, which whitfully will not lead them near Lea, since we safely guess they now reckon themselves at war with that city. Ere they could pack, however, three Zhihuafa households fled the clan under whisper that they have broken faith with Byreath. These three households had yesteryear backed Eieli for the clanwifeship until her death. Since we have no straight speech with the Zhihuafa, we have merely gossip that Lady Byreath has sworn bloodwrack and will afterhunt.   Lady Vei and her eldest daughter Lady Rashe understood a long and late Clanwives’ Moot, which Lady Byreath did not meet, although her allies did. In that moottide two of the Zhihuafa’s allies - Clan Merukatha and Clan Neuyila - outquoth to forsake the Zhihuafa and will take no further share in the war. Furthermore, they shrove they had gotten trade goods from the Zhihuafa yesteryear, and which bore Son’s trademark. The two clans have forespoken to head to Lea and seek the city’s goodwill. Lady Vei swiftly gave them a geldless peace, and with foreward that, if the Zhihuafa strike against them, they may call on Clan Miniada’s help.   The moottide’s main guest was selfly Her Highness Lady Vifaul Lea’s High Matron, along with Lady Veiemal their trucebode, who spoke lengthily with the Clanwives. Lady Vei afterward gave us word that Lea has forespoken wish to not meddle in the Clans’ freedom, but shrove the city is almost so strife-torn as the Clans. Thus the Zhihuafa’s business had unwhelmed riddles that need answer. Her Highness swore peace with the two clans who have broken faith with the Zhihuafa, thanked them for their word forthcoming, and yielded them welcome to the city. Against the same time, however, Lady Vei read that not all clans trust Lea, since they still outspeakingly set a geld for the lost tradefare. The Zhihuafa’s outstaying allies fear the dearth will befall on them. Those allies will soon leave as well.   Then Lady Vei told Her Highness had beseeched our hearth. Thus Vosaeth, I, Taiase, and Istae went to the Lea camp, where we waited a long while since Her Highness was also speaking sunderly with other clanwives. Then an outrider hosted us into the tent.   We had ere met Her Highness Lady Vifaul ere her uprise to the High Matronship, though we had known her unwell. Yet she and Lady Veiamal greeted us right kindly. First, she knelt before Vosaeth, clasped her hand, and yielded sorrow at Vohyd her haremmate’s death. She also praised my oath-sister for standing against Byreath, her foresight in mistrusting the Zhihuafa clanwife long ere anyone else, and also Vosaeth’s forbearance yesteryear, in withholding her ill will when any sakeless deed might have given Byreath sake to work more wickedness. She then beseeched a boon that Vosaeth not elsethink her friendship with Lea, but instead grow to strengthen it.   Then Her Highness headed to us three and bowed. ~Tolloda Son~ - “Eldest is Son,” she greeted in wontsome wise, and then added with another bow to Taiase: ~Oe tollode Taiase-Ile,~ which made our erstwhile Sage-Queen blush. She then spoke she has known we have shared bodeship with Lady Zhaene all this while and thanked both our news and forbearance. She acknowledged us as Son’s thanes in this sake and thanked us letting Lea take the lead on our city’s behalf, but also that we have selfsomely undergone wrong along with the Miniada and Vosaeth’s house.   We asked her Highness what word she had from Son, at which she answered she has had much with Lady-Mother, and furthermore, when next we walk Lea’s streets, we will see no few Son warriors, for our city has begun sending strong warden-hosts with the tradefares over the moors. Half-jokingly she said Son has not so heavily ridden the moors since the Wars of the Thief-Queens. We spoke earnest wish that they so ride peacefully.   Her Highness then gave us further boons. First, she beseeched that when Lea’s host leaves the Clanmoot and again comes to Lea, that we should come with them, ingathering Vosaeth and her house. When my oath-sister gainsaid, forwhy she would not forsake her clan while awar, Her Highness answered that she had already spoken with Lady Vei Vosaeth’s mother and reminded that a war’s dole, and further winning, rightly beholds making allies. She then read that Vosaeth has already made good friends in Lea, and thereby friends for the Miniada. Toward such friends, Her Highness read we should seek Lady Nimizi on coming to Lea, who will gladly meet us. Her Highness further added we likely know they had ere been foes. Yet she would not have us deem her a foe and bade we should take Lady Nimizi’s word. Then she prayed us peace and relief from woe.   As a last thing, she gave me a folded leaf-writ stamped by Lea’s far-seer shop, and Qabarat written below. I opened it, and read:  
~Sheazyelis oyiathi Ofu-Lauburru thanisa, o kiaema ri aiudarau. Shoaf utha-sastra mi Vosaethastra o’si-yi.~ “If you tell me when you go to Ofu-Laubu, I will meet you before the elfgate. I will love your son and Vosaeth’s as I do you”
  ...At this bode from Semuane, against all the sorrow and mood we had undergone, my heart leapt, to which I clutched the writ. I gave thanks she had gotten our last farseer-word.   Thus we have yaysaid to go with Her Highness to Lea, though Istae withholds. She reads that Taiase and I are enough to show Son’s behalf while she will uphold our Miniada friends and ride with them against the Zhihuafa’s threat. Her will broke Taiase’s heart, but worthily does not shirk our friends in war.   I try to reckon whether this war has shifted to our weal. I would believe so, though a soft warning wit gainsays.     3. Zielae, 24,544 - 11th Day at the Blighttide Clanmoot   A safe doom that today the Clanmoot has ended. The Zhihuafa’s outstanding allies have packed and left. On those clans staying, the moottide has rather overtaken a war-rede’s mood, even for those who have not fully outspoken against the Zhihuafa.   In grimmer news, Clan Neuyila’s thurse-herd was stricken yesternight. None doubt the Zhihuafa’s deed as wrack-geld for the Neuyila yesterday breaking faith. Such sin is also a fell blow against the Clanmoot’s truce. I have heard talk that a few other clans, until now unchosen in the war, have now stoutly arailed against the Zhihuafa.   More inthriftily, Zaeofoth, the Zhihuafa headwife we had taken as war-thrall, came before Lady Vei. Under the whole clan’s sight, she knelt before the clanwife and begged to yield geld to the Clan. When Lady Vei asked what she would, Zaeofoth answered she had believed Byreath’s pride and glory she had forespoken, and had even stayed faithful under thralldom. Then Byreath had betrayed her troop, she outlaid, and now she fully witted her clanwife’s faithlessness. She shrove knowledge of the Zhihuafa raid on the Son tradefare and swore to tell full witness. So she told again before Their Highnesses Lady Vifaul and Veiamal, and before the gathered Clanwives, in proof of Byreath’s sin.   Lady Vei grimly heard the headwife’s tale. Then she set hand on the Zhihuafe’s brow and forgave her. She headed to Vosaeth and bade her daughter host Zaeofoth and her troopmates to Lea so they may tell their witness before the matrons, and furthermore that her daughter let no harm come to these warriors.   I cannot well bewrite Vosaeth’s mood under her mother’s bid. My fierce and loving oath-sister, dolefully after Vohyd’s death, does not hold a forgiftful self. Yet she headed to Zaeofoth, halted, and falteringly knelt beside. Tears started down her cheek. The two wives wept together.   Afterward, things are set for further deed. Our flag and Vosaeth’s house shall follow Her Highness Lady Vifaul and the Lea host toward Tihes, where we will take boatfare on Mother-Arasene back to the city. In this wise, we will have swifter fare than the clans leaving landward. Clan Merukatha and Neuyila will follow the lakeshore and meet us there, somewhile after the next month. Lady Vei and the Miniada, however, will fare further eastward, dolefully to seek the Zhihuafa and settle the feud, and also to ward any tradefares coming over the moors.   Tonight, however, the Clan holds waketide for Vohyd. Vosaeth has fiercely stood watch over her fallen haremmate's body, almost to her loss until her housemates begged her to eat and sleep. I have done what I can, though I fear I cannot touch her sorrow. At such a hopeless tide, Leief bade me heed myself and find what peace and strength I can. With this war brewing strong, however, I could not sleep.   I bethought Istae soon riding southward with the Clan, alongside Vosaeth’s sisters and under their mother’s stern lead, seeking fight with the Zhihuafa. My hands craved a swordbill more strongly than they have in longer than I remind, and for which, in but two months since my birthtide, I am in no shape to wield.   I can, however, begin the long path back to fitness. Thus at slumbertide I bore my son out from camp upon the moor. Then I started the old drilltide I first learned when I was a child, and more with maidenhood when I became an outrider. I started still and inward, with a soul-seer’s mind-drills and finding my soul’s midst under the Clanmoot’s strife and sorrow. Then as my might stirred, I rose and stirred with it in a dancelike step while I held my babe abreast. Thence I shifted to warriorhood body-drills, grounding my weight and shifting hips to gather strength, only I thrust no weapon. Instead, I wielded my babe, who watched while I heaved and swung him. He squealed wonderfully, even while his awesome mind sifted my thoughts, reckoning both the mightiness and my drift’s grim purpose.   Somewhile after I wearied and settled him to suckle, I witted Oshis among the Shota. I sauntered toward him, glad of my fathermate’s heed, and even loving his eyes on me, ere I witted a mislikeful mood wafting. I asked his worry.   Oshis scowled as he understood my purpose. ~A Valanteil, dei losi-vei ris vaourra ihaelassura, o’zhilassi o assama aelaea-ruaelm?~ - “Ladylove, do you shame us by taking weapons and fighting, and doubt our house would ward you?”   At his proud question I laughed. ~A Das, o’mae-aei ve moare. Dei sas domonyayas saourra?~ - “Man, ere I was a mother, I was a warrior. Could you forsake the blade?”   Stubbornly my fathermate gave no answer, but kissed our son, and then knelt and kissed my belly. Then he hosted us back to camp.
Lashunta Terms & Phrases:
  • ~Tolla~: old; long time
  • ~Tolloda~: oldest. Superlative of ~tolla~.
  • ~Ile~ (feminine): lady; honorific title
  • ~Aiudarau~ (animal): aiudara; elfgate
  • ~Valanteil~ (feminine): Ladylove. Honorific term of endearment.
  • ~Das~ (masculine): Man

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Cover image: by Damie-M


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