A Castrovel Adventure: Part 3, Chapter 59 Prose in Castrovel (from Paizo's Pathfinder Setting) | World Anvil
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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 3, Chapter 59

In which Vaeol begins to learn what it will take to bring Oshis home.

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil Yaranevae be’Son
3. Evelae, 24,542 - 2nd Day in Elahat-Freehold [continued from Chapter 58]   Yestereve I was a bride, and now I am a wife, with Oshis’s blessing, and loving Erymi and Remaue in witness and no small help. Too many times while writing this log, I have found myself aloss for words. I lost myself again. Yet this time, instead of breaking, my shards fell back together. I am not merely else than myself, I am more.   At Oshis's merest touch, something lightninglike leapt. I became only me no longer. I became him, too. His mind-shard buried within my soul found its missing wholeness. In that breathtide, I knew all he had undergone in the last two months: the fear of witnessing the ~Komori’s stroke upon me, even taking shame that he might guiltily have done this hurt when Lady-Mother cursed him, the loneliness at leaving Son, leaving our house, Erymi, and our daughter, the shame of telling the doom to his kindred, his mother and eldest daughter, and even leaving them to come hither to Elahat, and then the fear of withstanding this stead’s heathens. Withal, for the first time I found yestermind of my ill-doomed bridetide at my mother’s house, which mindlessly had turned to fright, and then the fit’s start with my eyes wallowing back in my head. I saw it not only from his sightstead, but my own ere the darkness sundered me.   Oshis and I wept, as did we all, though no longer from shame, but from love, thankfulness at our regathership, and relief that our minds had so cloven with no ill outcome, though the odd soothness that I somehow found mindshare with myself, though it recked not. Instead, I bade him: ~O'ruae lomastra,~ - "Give me your all!"   We four ended all giggling together. Erymi cheered I had undergone crazelessly, at which Remaue smarted at least no more crazily than ereward. They all kissed me while I lay underneath unsoothly, wondering that I was become a whole wife while I clutched Oshis’s sleepy brow to my sweaty bosom.   I awoke this morn when Oshis wallowed from the bed. Soon as I stirred, I full-witted soreness, which was all Remaue had forewarned and more, almost so bad as my fight with Kazos. My wifemate was already waiting with rose-goldsap tea, and lovingly chided me, telling I could have stayed happy with Oshis’s kindly blessing and so be leastly sore, but I had made it into an ordeal to prove our love and endurance. She then led me to the bathroom and got me into a warm tub, which felt so good upon my aching belly and thighs.   While she washed my hair, Remaue asked: ~Trei-stya kovis?~ - “How do you feel?”   ~Ollame,~ - ”Good,” I answered, kissing her hand and falling into mind-share. Truthfully, I knew not how to bespeak my heart. I felt changed in somewise I could not reckon, alongwith this new wholeness, which maybe was merely from our ~saiahi~ recleaving his mind’s shard within me to its spring, or maybe even further, from Oshis’s life already quickening in my womb. Yet through our shared thoughts I think she understood.   While she dried and brushed my hair, she told Erymi would speak. I caught her wit it might be unwholly merry, but answered I would gladly hear. Remaue left the bathroom while I braided my hair, after which soon Erymi introd, bearing Tesine on her hip. Straightway I rose and kissed her. Together we sat on a bench, knees touching while Tesine walked back and forth between. Though I wanted to share my glee at yesternight’s deed, I waited for her word.   Erymi took my hand and smiled shyly. Haltingly she said that she had gloried in my yesternight’s blessing and begladdened I had found fullness. She added, however, that she had felt my and Oshis’s nearness, the kinship between our mingled souls. She shrove this had beweighed ever since the ~Komori~, and she worried we may grow nearer, and she may be offsteaded from his foremost love.   I raised her hand to my lips and witted her fear. I spoke that she already understands the love I bear not only for him, but also his love for her glanced in me, even more than the love I had already borne her ere my illness. I asked, half-playfully, whom I should love more: Oshis from our soul’s kinship, or her from his love reborn within me? ~Yi roaese, o’mi roam olloni yi stama, o las sere domonyayas distimi, oe ve distimi leiryelme. Sazhoara valm, oe thaea-shyaelm vali-sya ezimya o’illi ruaelis.~ I swore: ”As you know, and now I know, better than anyone, that he will never forsake you, and I could never ask him. I would love you both, and have so much love as you would willingly give.”   At my word, Erymi blushed, her golden stripes darkening while tears wettened her eyes. ~Dei ori horusolya-shyaelis?~ - “Will you forbear me?” she begged. I swore to all she needs and more and whelmed her antennae and brow with kisses.   Laterward, I knotted a skirt about my waist, for I needed to look more couth than a heathen freehold-wife tarrying in but a loincloth. Yet for the first time ever, I forlet a halter and kept my bosom bare, for now it felt right. Erymi and I, with Tesine holding hands between, came from the bathroom, where the others waited in the meanroom and cheered our show. I kissed them all in dole, though held Oshis for last, when he lifted me high and set me laughing. Less joked I am walking more bowlegged than wontsome, which got him slaps from Tae and Remaue.   After breakfast we forethought to mind business ere we choose our next deed. Erymi wished to see the room Oshis has taken and make fast it is rightly outfitted for his stay, which may be hopefully short. Remaue and Hanos would speak with our bark-skipper, and Tae and Less would seek word of our outlaw foes. In worship of my newly blessed wifehood, they deemed I should stay at the inn and watch the children (and as good drilltide for my own), even Zheye, who gainsaid she is old enough to mind herself. I bethink, however, my watch-task holds less worship and more work, and maybe also to forkeep me finding plight.   Thus I have spent a belltide with the children, and also writing this log while these dear whits are still fresh amind. I sat Lanaryel alap and let her rifle my mindwhits while I gathered thoughts. I let her nuzzle in and take my nipple, which gave me the oddest queerness, awondering how it would beseem to suckle her with my own milk, and that after the next year I may even bear my own babe. Tesine heedfully poked my belly, then stroked her antennae against, and asked whether a babe grows within. I answered that so I hope, and I will give her a half-sibling if I can, right like Zheye is her big half-sister, only she will become big-sister to my babe. She is also old enough to ask of my daylog, which I outlaid as my tale of yesterday with her mother and father and read her the words written, and even the letters’ meaning I drew. I have offtorn a leaf-scrap and showed her to dip pen and draw mark, and even her name’s spell, which got her laughingly trying to copy, and no small ink-waste, which I begrudge not.   Zheye lingered, unforbearingly staying here, wary of me, and yet drawn at my play with the babes. I had much thought of what word I would give, and so rose, bearing Lanaryel ahip and bidding Tesine run to her big-sister, and came to her as well. I took her hand, sat with her, and told that, though her father has forgiven me, I would earn her forgiveness as well.   She asked why Lady-Mother had forbanned Oshis when it was not his guilt. Long I thought answer, and then said sometimes folk love too dearly, and that when they see their beloved hurt, they behave thoughtlessly from wrath. So it befell with my mother, and now she is both too proud and too ashamed to shrive her wrong, and so will not lift Oshis’s doom. I told she had withheld even when I asked her to uncurse him. Her deed had hurt and angered me, as well as Oshis, Erymi, and so many else. Then I swore that I shall not halt until I get her father’s fairness.   Zheye listened earnestly. Then she asked whether I love her father. I answered with all my heart, and also that I would love her as well, if she would let, she may have me as house-mother, even like Erymi. This beweighed her, and I saw her eyes glisten wide, and hugged her. She asked if we are a warrior-house, which I yaysaid. Then she asked if I am Outrider, and may she so become as well.     Afterword   After I got the children down for slumbertide and was ending the log above, the innwife tapped on the screenwall and told that someone below was asking for me. Leaving Zheye with the babes, I went downstairs.   I found the meanroom empty, an odd whit for this daytide, but for a lone lady with green-tan skin shading blue and purple hair and highborn clothed, wearing broad gilt nippledishes, a goldcloth bodyshroud, and a heavy silver necklace. She greeted me by name. I bowed kindly and asked who bestowed me worship.   The lady grinned. ~Si shamya roam, a Vaeol-Ile u’Zhasaele, o liraea-mei shinadise, a Komorante o soreatha, oe valdas reasya diyashorya-ruaeldas~ - “I know your tale, Lady Vaeol Zhasael’s Daughter, and the sorrow you have undergone, stricken by the Komori on your bridetide, and your manlove has misborn your guilt.”   I answered she is wonderfully well learned, even as a heart-qualm betided.   She told she knows my sister Lady Risodess and has ere dealt her business. Then she gave her name as Lady Erenyae, no less worthy than Elahat’s holdwife, and overlady of all things within the freehold. I yielded worship that so nameworthy a wife would seek me from her own hall.   Lady Erenyae acknowledged, though with an afterword that I might forgive her for believing offthank that someone so nameworthy as the daughter of Son’s High-Matron had come to her freehold without sending kindly greeting. I begged ruth, and outlaid my coming held some awkwardness, for I could not easily afterhunt the manlove my mother had banned, and such open beseech would enwed further outcome back in Son I would sooner shirk. She evenly atook my word, but chided that she would doubtlessly yield goodwill if but I ask.   Again the plighty inkling overtook. Though I withheld mind, I felt her seeking my thoughts, and so set them so nice as canny, almost blithe, for I bethought better if she might underreckon me a little.   Instead, I asked how I might repay the worship she had bestowed by coming hitherdown. She answered I should come with her. Yet I could not, for, as I told, I was minding my housechildren while my mates undertook business at market. So she instead asked I come tonight to sit duskmeal, at which I answered I shall do so if she will forgive one clothed for huntfare and not for high ladyhood. She spoke back she would send garb befitting my worth, and then bade me come to her hall at dusktide. We both bowed kindly, which I held until she withdrew.   Soon as she left, I hastened upstairs and found young Zheye. I asked whether she knows Lady Erenyae. She answered not selfly, though the holdwife holds ill nameworth among the girl’s kindred in Hivaea, who have long feuded with Elahat. I then told her Lady Erenyae was right erenow here, and she must find her father, Erymi, and the others and bid them soon hithercome, for I feared craftiness. She scampered downstairs and out of the inn’s rear door while I sat abed beside Tesine slumbering, took Lanaryel abreast, and leaned my shortbill against the bedframe.   When the others came, I told of my moot with Lady Erenyae, and that I misforeboded her will. Oshis looked grim and told she is plightsome, as his kin in Hivaea know well. ~Urollya thayele, a Valanteil, o’distimi doromye eshi haelye zhao loya lomya, eshoni yofoara-mara.~ - “If she holds your behoof, Ladylove, she will never forlet but brook it for all worth until our wrack.” He outread we must leave at once, and head for his kin, whither Zheye can show the way, for not only do they know Erenyae’s snares, but also have friends within this town. Yet I reminded he is the forsooth behoof she overholds, and he is forbidden from setting foot on Son’s landhold. ~O’illi lizhi ethanya.~ - “That shall not outcome,” I warned.   Ere Oshis outspoke that we should forsake him, Erymi smacked his nape. I looked about the others, read their thoughts, and also their hearts. I deem we surely stand under Lady Erenyae’s mightiness. Yet I will go, hear her bargain, and play for time. So now, with Remaue’s help, I ready for duskmeal, and hope to bewin Lady Erenyae toward greater goodwill.


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