A Castrovel Adventure: Part 3, Chapter 44 Prose in Castrovel (from Paizo's Pathfinder Setting) | World Anvil
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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 3, Chapter 44

In which Vaeol’s flag takes leave of Noruma and the Highland Clans, and Vaeol deals with her own emotions.

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil u’Zhasaele Zolaemaue be’Son
11. Vinelae - Afare from Noruma Freehold (42nd day afetch)   This morn, we packed, armed, and readied to take our leave from Noruma. We met Lady Karami and the Clanheads in the Holdgarth, for the neighbor-clans also were heading homeward. I did best to show myself kindly and couth, even against my ongoing sorrow.   Lady Karami spoke us nobly before the others. She thanked our trucebodeship, and also for all our deeds in keeping peace among the clans. Then she beckoned to a pack-thurse well laden, which she told bears hides and leechworts, and asked me to let Ianare yield it to the Matrons in gift. Then she quoth that, if ever she needs to ask Son’s help again, she would first seek me, for I have proven a true friend. Then she kissed me.   In trend, the other clanheads thanked and wished us farewell. Lady Avaere knelt and kissed my hands, saying her folk owes a dearth for shirking war, which none would win. Tolamad bowed most lissomely and quoth that, to our thanks, his thought of Lashunta is greatly bettered, and that he too would hopefully call Son friend. I answered so we shall surely hold him and the Imlarim, and that if ever he needs our help, he must merely call. I bowed to him in Elven-wise as I had learned.   Kazos had waited until last, I guess to make a greater show. He strode right before and overlooked me reckfully. I withstood his gaze, for like so much else with him, this became a might-trial, in this sake, of will. Then he reckoned that, for the next outrider he meets, he should think again ere daring them to fight. Then his finger reached forth and bipped my nose! Winkingly he hoped that I should remind him by this token. At this mild offthank I merely laughed and answered I should bear it like a warrior, as my win-trophy. I then spoke I had heard that all Kazos’s deeds, even wrathful, he had done for his clan’s sake, and therein he should rightly take honor. Yet I added that now is the time to reckon more than but a lone clan, and thanks to his honor all may have peace.   Then I stepped near and kissed him. I witted Kazos’s fierce worship and the pride he took in my words. Even in loss, he seemed unfallen. I find therein something reckful, a rough worthiness somehow fitting for a Highland clanhead striving to ward his folk against the wilderness. He reminded me of another Korasha, whom other have spoken of reaching beyond is rightful stead. I shoved Oshis’s hurtful thought from my mind.   Then Damyane his daughter stood forth and asked to speak with me sunderly. Against misgiftulness, I yaysaid and followed her from the garth while the others gave their own farewells. Behind a tree-beam Damyane swerved and took my hands. She said she had heard she had given me offthank, and asked the truth of my bond with Oshis.   At her word, I shrive myself dithered. Even against my anger, my shame grew. Damyane asked whether she had wrongfully taken my manmate. Orange-faced, I shrove Oshis is not mine, for he is mate-sworn to a friendlove, though (and at this word shame almost choked me), I had hoped to make him my First Man at my bridetide upcoming. She frowned and bewilderedly reckoned this news. At last she set my hand on her belly, and outquoth that she would have peace between us twain, even as I had made peace between her clans and the others. She understood not what lies between Oshis and me, she said, but hoped that I may forgive him, and that if all outworks, she would reckon it a blessing if her child and mine may find each other kin.   Ere I could stir, she kissed me. I knew not what to do or think. Shortly she outsought my heart. Then she offstepped and left me feeling small-hearted and selfish that she was more rueful and forgiving than I, which only angered me again.   We rode away seventeen strong: Ianare and her hunters again asith, along with Semuane and Master Mearthil as doleful guests, and Taiase sunderly. She is now a changed Damaya. After her frightsome and nightmare-wracked sight since we freed her from the Barrow, she seems newborn, heedful, even happy. The shift is her Shotalashu, whom she has named Taunu, which in yore-tale was also Queen Eieshe’s steed when Son was founded. She has talked more in a day than in all ereward since she woke from her timeless sleep, which misluckily stretches our canniness to understand, for though I speak Elvish well enough, I am less doughty with our foremothers’ Elder Speech.     13. Vinelae -3rd Day Afare from Noruma Freehold (44th day afetch)   Slow forthness yesterday and today, though I minded not, for my thoughts were churning, overgoing Oshis, my anger, and also Semuane’s word at the mirthtide. They have outcome to no good end, though which this morn I brought to a head. I gathered Remaue, Kaure, and Semuane and told my choice: when we reach Son, I shall tell Lady-Mother to forsake my bridetide. Instead, I shall stay maiden.   Against my outlook, they stirred less gladly than I had forehoped. While I had forelooked some withstand from Remaue, I had forethought Kaure and Semuane would happily atake. Instead, Semuane asked whether I am sure, which took me aback. When I asked why she doubted, she merely answered it seemed an odd shift. Eyesomely has shown my lust for men, she outlaid: ~Dei eriaese o eiesi thayi zhaoadeni?~ “Are you so sure this thought will hold longer?”   Her answer angered me so much that I could not speak. Right then Taiase happened idly through and asked what betided. Semuane, rather foretakingly, told I have chosen to offcall my bridetide, forwhy I am upbothered with Oshis, whom I had wished as my First Man. Taiase outspoke sorrow, for she had heard of my bridetide, and had been forelooking its witness. Then I could stand no more and walked away to find Ess and groom him ere march.   Laterward amarch, Taiase uprode beside and asked leave to speak, for she had questions of Outriderhood, which had not stayed in her time. Misgivingly I alet. She had overheard word between Semuane and Remaue that Outriders forelookingly forsake men and stay maiden, and asked whether this is true. I answered that, wontsomely when Outriderhood was first founded, so it had overheld, but that, over yearthousands the wont had shifted, and some outriders were given leave to reach motherhood. Yet I have come to believe, I added, that maidenhood is better stayed, so that I may serve the City and follow warriorhood.   Taiase heard, nodding mindfully. She deemed my thought noble. Then she added that she reckoned, from what she had heard, that Outriderhood is a high and worthy calling, and from what she had seen of me, Semuane, and Istae, only the canniest and worthiest Damaya are intaken. She read, however, that if these canniest and worthiest bear no children, then the Lashunta lose the best from our bloodline. She would think that a dread loss, and hoped that I would overreckon my choice.   She then asked what Oshis had done to earn my ill will. Here I halted answer, unwilling to repeat it. Yet she waited forbearingly until I shrove I had found him cloven aswive with Kazos’s daughter. She acknowledged the sin’s grimness, but then asked whether Oshis had sworn to withhold himself until my bridetide. Somewhat shamefully I answered he had not.   Taiase thought a breathtide, and then read that, unless kinship has much changed since her time, the right deed would be to overtalk this thing with Oshis’s wifemate ere I ban him or do any other rashness, and that his wifemate will rightly deem any guilt. I shrive I did not want to hear this word, and answered not.   At camptide I made show of cleaving strongly with Semuane and Kaure, thereby to show all I hold steadfastly to my choice. Remaue looked at me oddly. Yet if she has word, she has withheld. Instead, she set Lanaryel upon my breast and let her darling mind enthrall me.


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