A Castrovel Adventure: Part 3, Chapter 1 Prose in Castrovel (from Paizo's Pathfinder Setting) | World Anvil
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A Castrovel Adventure: Part 3, Chapter 1

In which Lady explains the five-year gap since her last daylog, and how she came to fight in the Formian War.

From the Daylog of Vaeol-Zheieveil u'Zhasaele be'Son
10. Soelae, 24,541 - 2nd Day Northbound from Qoaronaea   I start this new daylog after five years’ halt, whileunder I have been either too busy to write, or merely have not had heart. Yet many thoughts I have had, and now with the overstrengthened boredom that comes with seafare, I have both time and will.   The year after Remaue’s bridetide stands to my mind as maybe the best of my life, even after my reeveship’s loss. Rightfully she could no longer serve as my shield-bearer. Yet Lady Istae wrangled to name her a groom within her team, which let us serve together. Our days were filled with sharp duty, and our nights with love and friends. Tae and Less, also under service, were never far. On holidays we would ride southward along Aelau’s shore to our flaghold (as still we called it) to see Erymi, who was swelling thick as her babe grew. A half-year later, as Lady-Captain had forespoken, Oshis came free of his thrall-bond. We waited when he came forth from the Citadel, cheered, and kissed him. Then we led him to the flaghold and merrily reclove him with Erymi, wifemate and manmate again together, and all feuds healed within our little almost-household.   Against this gladness, my downsend still upheld. I stayed as Firstspear, upraised under Istae’s goodwill, but no longer an Outrider. It hurt. Yet I prayed for liss and trusted Lady-Captain’s wisdom, and also Lady-Mother’s, and so forbore my sisters’ sneers at monthtide duskmeals.   Then I got bidden to Valmaeana, and there should join the alliance that wards Asana from the Formians. The word laid me sorrowful, sunderly in Remaue’s need-tide. Also, my first thought was this fetch was further guilt-boot for Oshis’s sin, for which I had already taken downness. So I outspoke it as unfair. Lady-Captain, however, was unswayed. She bade me forbear.   In good news, however, my sendforth witnessed my rise back to reeveship as Outrider and freedom to choose my own sith. Almost as swiftly, I soon had willing mates: Tae, Krastaes, Nae, Hanos, and Draue, whomunder I easily gathered a team each of riders and bowmen. Even better, my newfound maidenlove Lady Istae would lead a rider-sith of her own.   Remaue and Erymi, however, would not come, at which I forbade both Oshis and Less, who had already asked, forwhy I would keep them home to tend the wives. Here we had a tough striffle. Erymi and Remaue bade I should take the men, for sake with their doughtiness we might all more likely come home safe. So when all my housemates stood against me, at last I yielded. Thus we left Erymi and Remaue in each other’s heed, along with both my Lady-Mother’s and my father’s forespeech to afterlook.   Ere we left, from the north came a Retaean truce-bode, led by Lady Vosaeth, daughter of the Miniada’s Clanwife, with a sixsome of Damaya riders asith and Korasha grooms. I remind my first sight of this outlandish, wild moorwife, astride her Shota with the ease of one who has ridden her whole lifetime, skin of that deep earthiness that so marks the Sun-blessed North under tangled purple curls. At once a thought leapt: ~Shaveraze~ - Thief-Queen! So had looked those dreaded elder reavers when they swept from the moorlands twelve thousand years ago. Too easily I could dream a feathery crown upon her head.   I also remind the first time she looked at me, her wide beswaying grin already lit, and her first word: she had heard I was wicked. At my shame she laughed, but then outlaid that she had heard I had taken downness to save my housemate, which deed she blessed, and praised me a bold maiden. Then she kissed me and bade we should become friends. Against her, I fear my boldness outmatched, for she holds a wildness from the moors and their long-legged Shotalashu that I find unsettling and thrillsome.   Lady Vosaeth outspoke wish to join our warfare against the Formians, to which both Lady-Mother and Lady-Captain welcomed their add. Thus we spent a few days, letting the Retaeans rest after their long trek, and settling last plans. Then we took flatbarks down Father-Yaro to Qabarat.   Soon as we reached Qabarat, I besoothed further mightiness had upworked on my behalf. When first we reached our Embassy, Her Highness Lady Nauve handed me a writ outnaming me Flagmaiden, the erstwhile rank I had shortly dallied with ere my downsend. Then the whole Son host cheered, for they had all kept this secret while the boatfare from Son. Lady Istae shrove she had besought both Lady-Captain and Master-Captain to give back my erstwhile rank, and that so many warriors had called for my uprise that the Citadel had yielded. Then I beheld the reason forwhy Less and Oshis had followed me, to uphold my new rank. This uprise made me lead-reeve among the outriders, not that Son’s sith is any great host. Yet I beheld the honor great.   So I hugged Istae and asked her to take the riders as my Steadholder. I went to Krastaes and asked he be our sith’s First-Axe, by which rank he should also stand as champion. He knelt low, clasped my hand, and bent antennae to me, whereon he said he would believe it his highest honor.   Then I went to Oshis, clasped his shoulder, and asked if he would ride as Firstspear. At my ask, the stout Korasha upteared. He knelt, kissed my hand, and outspoke he is unworthy, for not only is this rank seldom for Korasha, but after his thrall-bond he had never again hoped to find such worthiness. I naysaid and told that here was time to show his worth, and that I would have none other. Then he wept and swore himself my faithful man, through plight and death.   So within our sith, under Lady Istae we have Oshis and Draue as Firstspears, each with a rider-team, and under Krastaes Tae and Less as Firstbows, each with a foot-team. I am also glad that Nae has ridden under Oshis as Otherspear, and Hanos under Tae as Otherbow. With the Retaeans’ add we so became a doughty little sith. Else than Istae and I, all our reeves had ere undergone firdhood in Valmaeana. Thus we would hinge on their worth for our luck.   Also in Qabarat we again found Lady Semuane waiting with a smile almost shy upon her heavenly lips when we met again. I gladdened to learn she too was going to Valmaeana. She even outwon stead as link-bode between our flag-host and the Qabarat Headreeve, meaning she would ride with us. Happily we renewed our maidenlove, and she even greeted me to her kin. Thus we four - Semuane, Vosaeth, Istae, and I - all spent a merry two weeks in Qabarat and its shining pearl-shell rooves, its elf-yards, and song-halls, ere the fleet left.


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