The Winter Court Geographic Location in Castores | World Anvil

The Winter Court

On the northern quarter of Achaemen lays the Winter Court. A beautiful forest of white, crystalline trees obscures a bustling kingdom of Fey. Unlike the other courts, the Winter Court is in a perpetual state of cold and snow, it’s people protected from the harsh temperatures by their magic.   For thousands of years, the Winter Court, unlike the rest, is in an almost perpetual state of war. Traphegor, mightiest of the Demon Lords of Bael Archas, has made it his life’s work to bring low the kingdom. During the summer, he controls vast swathes of the Court's southern reaches, though is forced on the defensive come winter. This of course ended with Traphegor's defeat in 398/3.   While the Winter King was slain by the heroes that became the Centaur, the Winter Queen took the loss differently than the Autumn Queen. Instead of succumbing to sorrow, she is known for being particularly wicked and cruel.   Due to stories like that of the Centaur, the Winter Court enjoys additional infamy compared to the other courts. However, they are little different, merely hardened by their continuous conflict. They do however, particularly enjoy keeping bound Demons as pets.
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