Ekbatan Settlement in Castores | World Anvil


The capitol of the Achaemenid Empire . It was built in 400/3 by Ahmed's forces, upon the ruins of a much older city of seemingly Kyn origin. While not as lavish as the Golden Cities of Xhalandar, it is a cultural melting pot of architecture and style.   While originally a city of hope, it has become darkened by the ascension of Muhar Thrakul. It's people are heavily taxed and watched for signs of betrayal. Soldiers heavily patrol its streets, and slavery has come back as a way to avoid its crushing taxes.   The city is noted by its grand imperial palace, atop which sits a great crystal dome that Ahmed's forces had found buried in the surrounding sands.

Guilds and Factions

Kuliyat al'Asrar
1 million
Owning Organization


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