Demiurge Character in Castores | World Anvil


The Artisan

The Demiurge, also known as the All-Maker, or the Great Craftsman, is an enigmatic artisan-like figure that fashions and maintains the physical universe. Although a fashioner, the Demiurge is not necessarily the same as the creator figure in the monotheistic sense, because the Demiurge itself and the material from which the Demiurge fashions the universe are both considered to be consequences of something else.   It is the one that brought order and form to the chaotic, violent storm that was the nascent world of Castores. It created Ersetu and from it the Primordials to shape the world, as the Demiurge split and shaped the Deities who in turn created their own children.   When the Primordial ones learned however that which they had helped give shape and form was not for them, they rebelled against their maker. In the end, the Demiurge retreated from the world, the Deity it had created locking the Primordials away in Ersetu, their place of origin.

Divine Domains


Though mortals struggle to understand the Demiurge's exact concept of Order, the Demiurge seeks to enforce it upon all existence. It is the key to a structured society and world.  


None can contest that the Demiurge is lead creator of Castores. It is what gave the world life, and the races from the lowliest mortal to the Gods themselves breathe and thought and life.  


The Demiurge created the Divine Language of Creation that the material world is built out of. To study magic is to study the language and laws that the Demiurge put down, making the Demiurge the penultimate Deity of magic.

Tenets of Faith

Regardless of faith or religion, those knowledgeable in the fields of the divine will acknowledge the existence of the Demiurge. However, all but the most fanatical believe that the Demiurge has long since left Castores, possibly to never return. As such, while most faiths acknowledge its existence, worship of the Demiurge is fairly rare, as there is no merit in worshiping a divine that will never answer. To the uneducated masses, the Demiurge is largely unknown, nothing but a vague mention or the strange deity of a foreign land.   For the most part, those that do give it worship instead hold a reference for its importance in creating the world itself, seeing the other deities as just agents created to do its bidding. Some believe that the Demiurge's will is embedded into the fabric of existance itself.  


To some, the people of Ormn are seen as atheists, heretics, and unbelievers. That is not true. The people of Ormn aim to see the world as it is. They acknowledge the presence and importance of the Gods but see them as mere tools of the Demiurge's plans for the world. They were not created for worship and thus deserve none. The mages of Ormn rather seek to understand the language of creation, in their eternal pursuit for the root of Castores the truth of existence.  


It is unclear how the Zayifi , as Humans that came to Castores from the outside, came to worship the Demiurge. While their homeworld was likely also crafted by it, its unclear that this faith was brought with them. It is perhaps best explained as a rebellion to the Demiurge-scorning nature of their enslavers which brought them to the world. Regardless of the source, the Demiurge is the prime deity of the Zayif Nation. It is their belief in order that has lead to their baffling amount of rules and regulations, as they seek perfection as their belief is outlined by the creator.
Divine Classification
Extra-Planar Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The All-Marker, the Great Craftsman, The Artisan


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