Arcane Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Castores | World Anvil

Arcane Magic

Arcane is often considered the art of playing god. It is the ability to wield magical power unhindered by faith or friendship to exterior entities. An Arcanist seeks to understand magic itself.   To an Arcanist, spells are not prayers to exterior entities or the reciting of pacts, but rather the expressions of equations that form the universe. It is through this they can produce a wide variety of results unhindered. However the ability to grasp such power is rare, especially among the short-lived races. It takes years of practice, a resource only few have. However there are occasionally those miraculously gifted with it, known as a Divine Spark.   Arcane magic seems to be raw and sometimes hard to control for the inexperienced Arcanist. At the same time their users tend to have a better understanding of magic than other casters, allowing them to counter spells.   Arcanists in the wastes tend to be on their own. Arcanists put a lot of work into their discoveries, and that, combined with prejudices against them, makes them loathe to share their power. This however, leads to a wide array of theories and spells.  

Amukreen Webwork

The Amukreen believe all magic is merely aspects of the Webwork, a single spell that encompasses the world. As a creation of Khapri-Amun, the Amukreen have no issues blending Arcane and Divine. Their spells tend to resemble dark or golden webs, often focusing on transmuting effects. The Amukreen are perhaps the most skilled at countering other magic users.

Demonic Magic

Demons, as former Spirits, often naturally develop magical capabilities. The divine language is second nature to them. Their magic is often a reflection of their brutal nature, runes of darkness and flame. It tends to have less theory and more raw power, though some Demon Lords have been known to study it to dread effect.  

Fey Colleges

The Fey deity of magic is often tied with Khapri-Amun, and similarly the Fey are not adverse to combining the two. The Fey system of magic is very much tied to the stars and celestial bodies, as well as the shifting seasons of the world. Their spells tend to twinkle like stars.   The Fey study of magic is perhaps the closest won would compare to the 'traditional' study of magic, dividing magic into cleanly divine schools and teaching it at universities. Their mages are often specialized.  


Among the people of the wastes, Sorcerers are the most common practitioners of the Arcane. Gifted with the Divine Spark or a magical bloodline, they have no training or formula, rather they express raw power as a reflection of their Origin. Sorcerers tend to be very physical casters, an experienced sorcerer resembling martial artist in their skills.   The most common Sorcerers are Elementalists, focusing a particular element.


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