Joplin Janeece Character in Cassur | World Anvil

Joplin Janeece

Description: He is wearing a an opulent robe. He is lean in build. His black hair is drawn into a tight pony tail with a leather scrunchie. His eyes are black and he is always reading a book. Personality: Deceptive and manipulative this northern guy figured out how to best use his charms to convince people to do what he wants. He is diligent and excels at finding solutions quickly.   History: He was born several months after his father was called into army service. He spent his childhood studying the arcane arts quickly mastering many forms.   Motivation: Event planning.   Ideals: Opinionated., Gifted... Flaws: Ugly., Ugly, Hedonist., Ugly., Lazy. Bonds: Family, Nature, Rich, Job., Job, Adventurer, Slave., Criminal record, Job, Nature, Has a crush, Family., Attractive, Military, Job. Occupation: Unknown

Joplin Janeece is a unknown age male human wizard. He has a black hair and brown eyes. He has pale white skin. He stands 172cm (5'7") tall and has a lean build. He has an oval, beautiful clean-shaven face. He rolls his "R"s profusely.

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