Vathihr Character in Cassur | World Anvil


Cornelius Juliano Luminshield

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cornelius Goriano Luminshield's family is one of the few that did not start as nobility. Through blood, sweat, and tears they clawed their way through the upper echelons of society. His parents, Germenia and Agustus, were once adventurers that scored big and wanted to retire in comfort. That being said, they wanted to instill a sense of duty and responsibility in Cornelius so he was taught the sword from a young age. On his 18th birthday he was sent out into the world to find his own way. After just two years he received a letter while away in detailing his father's death in a duel where the opponent had cheated. His mother was whisked away to a country estate for her safety, but along the way she was ambushed and is now missing. Cornelius has sworn an oath of vengeance against those who have wronged his family and will stop at nothing to fulfill it.

Cornelius Juliano Luminshield reborn as an angel in service to Tritherion.

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Neutral Good
Black (silky & medium length)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Nearly pale. Slightly worn from adventuring for a few years

Uncertainty and Untold Potential
Day 1

I've awoken on the material plane... I recognized two individuals by the names Tim Tam and Gwenyth after I rose. There was a strange lizard man with them whom I believe to be mentally challenged. I've decided to let them join me in my pursuit of vengeance and to become stronger. Where to start though...? We've entered a dungeon of sorts that seems to be laced with many traps and strange characters.   Gwenyth put on one of the masks we found and seemed to be talking to nobody, but made a deal. I thought to myself that this could be a way to achieve my ultimate goal (And something more). I made a deal with a devil in order to become a God. THE God. Of everything. Blinded by my own desperation I spoke too hastily and have only a portion of my want. This will have to do. The Lord Tritherion does not make any contact and my attempts to do so have been fruitless. I WILL become a new god since every celestial being in existence has abandoned me. I will become that which they were not, a righteous symbol of vengeance in which the world will revel.     -Vathihr

Interesting happenings
11th month 823 PF

Today as I was at the market my companion Peridot acquainted with a rather peculiar character. I can't quite remember her name but it sounds like "razor" (will have to catch up with her). She joined our ragtag group and I hope she proves to be a valuable companion. We talked to Arceus afterward about her loremaster and the White and were given information about where they went. I believe it pertinent to find this loremaster and figure out exactly what we've gotten ourselves into.   Surprisingly Peridot can form portals and the group took the liberty of going on what they call a "shopping spree" in Fathomsport. I imagine how they, aside from Gwen, would react if they had access to the wealth I once had when living at the family estate. It would be humorous to say the least. I took Clitwrath to the temple upon arrival since midday was near as we arrived. After prayer and reflection in the temple I headed back to an inn with the rest and enjoyed a relatively quiet night.   -Cornelius Goriano Luminshield

Joyous Acquisitions and Unfortunate Events
11th month 823 PF

Today has been quite long...   Gwen and I went to the immigration office and were told property ownership was needed to become citizens of Fathomsport. Thankfully we had enough in platinum, gold, and valuable items to cover the cost of a lovely place on the docks. It's nothing like home, but my is it a welcome respite after all this time living rough and in hovels. There's a workshop inside that will help tremendously with expanding the company I've invested in with Gwen. I've coined it to be the East Port Trading Co. Exotic spices will be more prevalent in Fathomsport than I believe they ever have.   After we conducted our business we headed to the trial we had heard about today and I thought I'd be witnessing the rule of law passed on wonton criminals in need of rehabilitation or execution. My feeling of surprise was fleeting when I saw Peridot and Tim Tam. Thankfully Peridot had only committed a minor offence and was punished accordingly. During her trial I was approached by a member of the gentry to speak for the prosecution during Tim Tam's proceedings, which I agreed to. I believe that everyone should be punished according to their crime and Tim Tam's offence would have been damning if not for Mr. Serpentwind's life insurance. I succeeded in getting a just, but merciful sentence for my boisterous friend, though he may not know it and be cross at me.   Overall today went well and I look forward to the 'morrow. Though, I have a feeling I can only describe as foreboding. I will pray before bed and reflect on the events in the recent months more intently to find some reason for my unrest.   -Cornelius Goriano Luminshield


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