Session VI: Who Dunnit? Report Report in Cassiopeia | World Anvil
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Session VI: Who Dunnit? Report

General Summary

The group goes to rest. Jonathan has a confrontation with Kova, who asks him why he left so abruptly, and he has a couple memories brought to his rememberance of a close freindship with her while the two of them were at the Mobial Academy. She basically accuses him of infecting her home with ideas, or something of the sort. Jonathan sulks in the kitchen after.   Verve follwed Kova towards the kitchen and she flickers (spawning a duplicate) to address Verve, but also to have the confrontation with Jonathan almost in tandum. Verve asks after how she is doing and offers empathy in knowing what it is like to have high expectations and to be an outcast of sorts. Kova says she needs someone to fix the machine to replay the pearly-marble things. (memory savers of a sort).   The party rests. Kosmos has a dream with black ichor on his paw and infecting the landscape. Wakes to a person tripping over him. Goes to kitchen. Jonathan also has a dream, but flashes that do not make much sense to him. The others don't dream, but when Koal wakes, Rodney is not near him, and he finds Rodney in a frantic search on Kosmos' lap where the eyes are deep starry galaxy pits, and as Koal interacts, the eyes slowly fade back to the left eye purple and right eye blue as before.   The group gathers in the kitchen (Verve awkwardly recruiting Koal to help fix the replay device). Harley gives orders to the crew: Clancey, Ro, her and Najda--after Najda helps the others--will work on ship repairs and guard the ship, while the others will work to find who and how to deliver the medicines to. They split and the players are left with 3 main tasks, 1- get Najda to check out the fungus stuffs; 2- fix the replay device; 3- find the mailing post i.e. Reshi's shop.   The group accomplished all of these in some fashion. The fungus/icho/black stuff is unidentified, but thought ot not be dangerous in the dormant state. The replay device takes an entire workday to fix, but it is fixed. The others find Reshi, get info that the message they got came from Ero, the leader of the Forest clan, and are told that they can hire carts from him, or look around. Also that a guide might be helpful. Jonathan gets a package -- no return address. Caroline Kosmos and Jonathan after dealing with Reshi see green cloaked figures moving to Odds & Ends and follow suit. Kosmos is electrocuted, and they are allowed entry after knocking and the quick retreat of 7 other pairs of feet. They meet Belial, who is a really old gnome. They offer the trio to introduce to Geea, the guide to the Busk, the next day if that is determined what is needing to happen. Koal and Verve finish fixes on the replay device, and have awkward feelings conversations. ;)   We ended with the trio leaving Odds & Ends to reconvine with the duo at the mansion.

Missions/Quests Completed

Found Reshi's shop! Now have a name of who to give medicine to and who to get payment from.

Character(s) interacted with

Belial -- Owner of Odds & Ends   Reshi -- Occupant of the Mailing Post   Swuq -- Swiss army knife of an assistant to Kova   Kova -- Leader of Hul'rai
GSE Icarus
Caroline Agatha Darknoll
NG Demonkind (Folk Hero)
Ranger 4
52 / 52 HP
Battle Master
Verve (vûrv) Flint Neverdim
neutral good fire genasi ()
Monk 4
48 / 48 HP
Report Date
24 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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