The Hidden Treasure of Solomon Pierce. Myth in Casmyr | World Anvil

The Hidden Treasure of Solomon Pierce.


The legend say that The Dread Captain Solomon Pierce has a hidden treasure somewhere along the Skull Coast. It is not just any treasure, no. It is a treasure filled to the brim with powerful magic items!

Historical Basis

The Dread captain DID exist, and he DID rob alot of people, but most historians feel that the size of the treasure has to exaggerated.


All seafarers in The South Sea know the story.

Variations & Mutation

Some stories say that he is guarding the treasure as some kind of undead!!! Other stores say that he was killed by a sea monster.

Cultural Reception

Most see it as a Tall Tale to scare simple folks with.

In Literature

Stories are written about the Dread Captains exploits.


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