The Golden City of Tzetze-Garcik Myth in Casmyr | World Anvil

The Golden City of Tzetze-Garcik


Legend say that a city of the purest gold exist deep in the screaming jungle. Nobody has ever found it, because most have never come back.

Historical Basis

Scholars debate if the city is real to this day. Most believe that the myth is just that. A myth, while others point to the ruins elsewhere in The Emerald Archipelago. Where do they come from? Who built them?


Sailors in the south sea all know the myth.

Variations & Mutation

In some stories, the city is out of phase with reality and only appear on certain times of year. Other stories say that the city is cursed.

Cultural Reception

Many cultures in the south sea actually believe the myth, and that the city is "Bad Mojo".
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
-8.000 year before Casmyr.
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