Straylorian Ethnicity in Casmyr | World Anvil


STRAYLORIAN FEATS: Those Straylorians with Red Dragon blood in their veins can pick the "Dragon spit" Feat at level 1. They can cast "Produce flame" cantrip at will. When you cast it, it emerges from your mouth.


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage

Transferral of leadership in major organizations is by combat to the death, or to someone yield...Most choose death over surrender...If you yield you are a coward, and if you accept a surrender you are weak.   There is a less dangerous version for the common Straylorian, where you only fight until first deep wound, or until someone yield.

Shared customary codes and values

Strong, competitive, aggressive and independent. According to most Straylorians, the strong should rule the weak with an iron fist.

Common Dress code

Dress for battle. Never go anywhere without a weapon..People without weapons are either easy marks, or so powerful they dont need them.

Art & Architecture

All art should show some kind of battle.   Straylorian Opera: The opera is always about butchery...Both the plot and the Straylorii language.

Coming of Age Rites

Ritual combat until someone is severely wounded or dead.

Funerary and Memorial customs

In Straylor it is custom to burn the body.

Common Taboos

  • Showing mercy to an enemy.
  • Giving up power without a fight.
  • Not looking after your weapon and armor.
  • Killing red dragons.

Common Myths and Legends

To The Straylorians power is everything, because red dragon blood runs through their veins. The feel that they have a divine mandate and is destined to rule over others with an iron fist.


Beauty Ideals

Red hair, pale skin. Strong physique.

Courtship Ideals

A few sparring matches in the arena. Always to first blood. If you yield, not only do you loose, you also loose a potential mate.

Relationship Ideals

Everyone fights. Noone quits!
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken


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