Ozzic-Zhuul The Drowned City. Myth in Casmyr | World Anvil

Ozzic-Zhuul The Drowned City.


According to myth, The Drowned City of Ozzic-Zhuul was the home of strange beings from beyond the stars, and those beings enslave the proto-humanoids living at that time. The beings would have controlled the young world if it wasn't for one thing: Greed.   The beings became jealous of each others power and wanted it all for themselves. A great war erupted and soon, the proto-humanoids used the confusion to unleashed a great spell that banished all, except one, of the beings to the void from whence they came. Most of the proto-humans died, and the city fell to the bottom of the ocean, where Zhuul now sleeps.   Even in its slumber, Zhuul is able to control people on the surface by invading their dreams.

Historical Basis

The story of Ozzic-Zhuul is just that.A story. Most scholars agree, that it is all a lie, spun by the entity that controls The Island of Zhuul.


The myth is hidden away in libraries and not known by the common person.

Variations & Mutation

The most common variant is , that the strange entities experimented with magic that doomed them all, and mutated the primitive proto-humans into the sapient species that exist now.

Cultural Reception

Most cultures just laught at the whole thing and call it completely crazy. To Zhullites, the legend is The Truth as written. Unfortunately many stories about the creation of Zhuul exist, most of them contradict each other.

In Literature

Strange stories to scare your kids. Eat your greens or the thing below the waves will get you.

In Art

Many seafaring cultures have paitings and sculptures on many armed things below the sea, but it is seen as stories, not fact.
Date of First Recording
Millions of years ago.
Date of Setting
Millions of years ago.
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