Gods Organization in Casiphon | World Anvil
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'God' is the title given to immortal, divine beings who reside in the Celestial Plane beyond the protective barrier of the Aether.  During the Perluxion, when magic floods the Earth, they are able to directly shape events through their followers.  During the Elipation, when the Earth is cut off from magic, their influence is weak and limited to very occasional miracles and visions.   Both titans and gods are divine beings with tremendous power. The central difference between them is that, while titans are a very real part of the way the world exists and operates, gods are incredibly powerful divine beings who are the patrons of different mortal activities.   The following gods were created by the saviour-titans to conduct their war against Typhon and the destroyer-titans.  They are believed to have been mortals elevated to their power by the saviour-titans (elven names):
  • Apollo, the Golder Civiliser
  • Artemis, the Wild Huntress
  • Hephaestus, the Skillful Smith
  • Aphrodite, the Radiant Glory
  • Athena, the Hero's Aid
  • Hermes, the Swift Trickster
  • Ares, the Bloody-handed Warrior
  • Argus, the Hundred-eyed Sentinel
The following gods are other beings of colossal power:
  • Persephone/Hecate, the two-faced mistress of magic and death
  • Aegipan and Dictynna, the chief Fae deities, the lord of the wild hunt and the mistress of snares and illusion
  • Mithaeril, the patron deity of the Eliomandrine empire, originally two powerful individual humans

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