Artemis, the Wild Hunter Organization in Casiphon | World Anvil
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Artemis, the Wild Hunter

Artemis is believed to have been a young elven woman who spent her time travelling across the Earth and exploring the wilderness.  When she and her twin brother Apollo were deified by the saviour-titans, Artemis became the supreme huntress, tracking and slaying the beasts created by Typhon's power.  Her close counterpart in the dwarven pantheon is Diana Nemora Tenebris.   When she began dwelling in the Celestial Plane, Artemis, as a goddess who hunted by night especially, gained dominion over the moon.  Her power is in the untamed wilds and she is the patron those who live outside of civilisation, as well as being both the protector and hunter of wild beasts.     Artemis is less commonly venerated in cities, but her shrines are found throughout the open country, especially away from farmland.  Hunters, wanderers and explorers all especially seek her favour.   Appearance: Artemis looks like a young, rugged woman in hunting clothes, carrying weapons of the hunt like a bow and arrows or spears.  She is most often accompanied by a beast of the wild, such as a deer or lion.


  Symbols: Artemis is represented especially with her signature bow and arrows and a particular style of calf-length, laced up hunting boots.  She is also symbolised by various swift animals or predators, such as the deer or wolf.   Personality: Artemis is rugged and self-reliant, having little to do with the comforts and niceties of civilisation.  She speaks little and in concise statements, and prefers to communicate via actions rather than words.   Game rules:
Alignment Cleric Domains Other
Chaotic Good: Although Artemis has little time for civilisation, she protects mortals from all manner of bestial foes. Nature, Trickery Artemis' followers are usually rangers and paladins are especially involved in tracking and destroying hostile beasts of the wild, selflessly and secretly guarding their civilised fellows.

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