Hephaestus, the Skilful Smith Organization in Casiphon | World Anvil
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Hephaestus, the Skilful Smith

It is said that before his deification by the saviour-titans, Hephaestus was the most remarkable craftsman of his time, whose designs combined simplicity with function and sublime beauty.  He them made the first weapons and armour for his fellow gods to fight against the betrayer-titans, only once participating in combat and being wounded and permanently crippled by Typhon.  His close counterpart in the dwarven pantheon is Vulcanus Artago Calear.   Hephaestus is the patron of all artisans and craftsmen who build for function as well as beauty.  His power underlies efficient design of buildings, tools, weapons and armour, and is venerated by all who make or use such items in their activities.   Appearance: Hephaestus is portrayed as a mature craftsman, most commonly a smith, clad in a workman's uniform in the midst of his duties and accompanied by gigantic assistants, the 'Cyclopses'.  He is usually shown to be lame or otherwise disabled, and often soiled with sweat and soot.


  Symbols: Hephaestus is represented by a host of different tools of his trades, such as the hammer and anvil, carpenter's tools or mason's tools.  His typical clothing as a smith, including a felt cap and tunic worn over one shoulder, are common symbols.   Personality: Hephaestus is practical, straight-spoken and no-nonsense, who prefers work to interacting with others and delights in creating things for others to use.   Game rules:
Alignment Cleric Domains Other
Lawful Neutral: Hephaestus desires order, but is blind to whether his creations are used for both good and evil purposes. Forge, Fire* Being a god not often directly associated with combat, Hephaestus' followers are not usually warriors but craftsmen.  Those that do fight often do so bearing his flames for destruction rather than creation.

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