Attributes in Cascadia Asunder | World Anvil



While Luck is rolled up like any other skill an investigator has, it is not a skill that can be improved as the story goes on (there are chances to regain luck though). It is more apt to think of Luck as a resource that can be spent thought out a game to improve a skill rolls.

These Luck points can not be used on Luck rolls, damage rolls, Sanity rolls, rolls to determine to Sanity lost, or any roll that has been pushed. This concept also applies to criticals and fumbles. The great cost to using Luck points to alter a skill roll, is that skill will not earn any improvement at the end of that scene



While creating your investigator you may choose any age between 15 and 90. After selecting their age use the chart on the right to find what modifiers should be applied for the chosen age. The modifiers are not cumulative.


An additional item that is modified by age is the investigatiors movement rate. The modifiers for that are found under the Movement Rate table.


Other Attributes


Sanity Points (Equal to POW)

Sanity points should be tracked carefully, as the number can change up and down throughout the game. Each investigator has a maximum Sanity point value that begins at 99. Knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos always lowers an investigator’s maximum Sanity points. Maximum Sanity points equal 99 minus current Cthulhu Mythos points (99–Cthulhu Mythos skill).


When investigators encounter a sanity-threatening situation, a Sanity roll may be called for. Each investigator who experiences this source of horror rolls 1D100. A success is a roll equal to or less than the investigator’s current Sanity points. Bonus dice and penalty dice are not applied to Sanity rolls.


A successful roll means that the investigator loses no Sanity points, or only a minimal amount. A failed Sanity roll always means the investigator loses Sanity points. The amount lost depends on the situation encountered.


Damage Bonus and Build (STR + SIZ)

To determine damage bonus, add STR to SIZ and look up the total on the Damage Bonus and Build tabel to the right. Build is determined using the same figures.

In hand-to-hand combat, add the indicated damage bonus modifier or roll to all the character’s blows, whether using a natural weapon, such as a fist, or a melee weapon. Build is used in fighting maneuvers and chases, and also to give a sense of scale


Hit Points (CON + SIZ / 5)

Hit points are used to track the cumulative damage inflicted upon an investigator, non-player character, or monster during the game, and indicate how long he or she can stay in the action before collapsing from pain, exhaustion, or death. Figure out the character’s hit point total by adding CON and SIZ, then dividing the total by five (rounding down any fractions).


The number of hit points taken from damage can indicate if it is regualr damage or a major wound. There may be situations that will call for a different ruling, but the general rule of thumb is as follows:


Damage ≤ Half of Max HP = Regular damage

Damage ≥ Half of Max HP = Major wound

Damage > Max HP = Death


Regular Damage is the result of any single attack that deals damage equal to less than half the character’s maximum hit points in a single blow. It has no significant effect on the character until current hit points are reduced to zero, when the character will become unconscious. A character cannot die as a result of regular damage.  

Major Wound's results when an attack delivers an amount of damage equal to or greater than half of the character’s maximum hit points in a single attack. A character that has received a major wound may die if their current hit points are reduced to zero.


Movement Rates (Compare DEX, STR, and SIZ)

Movement rate show show many yards (or meters) an investigator can move in a single round. The MOV rate is used as a measure of relative speeds.


All distances are approximate and based on narrative description, so accurate measurement will rarely be an issue. Should you wish to gauge distances then, as a rough guide, a character can cautiously travel one meter or yard per movement point (MOV) in one combat round; thus an average human can travel 8 meters in one combat round. If sprinting, a character might cover five times that distance, but would soon tire.

  One point of MOV is significant in a chase; it allows for one additional movement action, and for this reason, the scale of MOV rating to speed is not linear. Each point of MOV equates with an approximate increase in speed of around 50%. The MOV rating of a creature is not necessarily their maximum speed over a short distance, but is intended to represent their overall speed in a chase.


Magic Points (1/5 of POW)

Magic points must (in most cases) be expended to cast spells, as well as to energize artifacts, power magical gates, and so on. An investigator begins the game with Magic points equal to one-fifth of his or her POW; even if they don't know about magic.


Once an individual is out of Magic points, any further expenditure is deducted directly from hit points. Any such loss of hit points will manifest as physical damage in a form chosen by the Keeper—perhaps sores and cuts opening on the body, skin blistering, or blood running from the eyes or ears.


Regeneration of Magic points is a natural function, returning at one Magic point per hour. The number of Magic points regenerated will never go above a value above one-fifth of the character’s POW.

Age modifier
  • 15 to 19 years of age
  • Deduct 5 points among STR and SIZ. Deduct 5 points from EDU. Roll twice to generate a Luck score and use the higher value.
  • 20 to 39 years of age
  • Make an improvement check for EDU.
  • 40 to 49 years of age
  • Make 2 improvement checks for EDU and deduct 5 points among STR, CON or DEX, and reduce APP by 5.
  • 50 to 59 years of age
  • Make 3 improvement checks for EDU and deduct 10 points among STR, CON or DEX, and reduce APP by 10.
  • 60 to 69 years of age
  • Make 4 improvement checks for EDU and deduct 20 points among STR, CON or DEX, and reduce APP by 15.
  • 70 to 79 years of age
  • Make 4 improvement checks for EDU and deduct 40 points among STR, CON or DEX, and reduce APP by 20.
  • 80 to 89 years of age
  • Make 4 improvement checks for EDU and deduct 80 points among STR, CON or DEX, and reduce APP by 25.
STR+SIZ Damage Bonus Build
2-64 -2 -2
65-84 -1 -1
85-164 None 0
125-164 +1D4 +1
165-204 +1D6 +2
205-284 +2D6 +3
285-364 +3D6 +4
365-444 +4D6 +5
445-524* +5D6 +6
*Add an additional 1D6 to Damage Bonus and +1 to Build for each additional 80 points or fraction thereof  


If both DEX and STR are each less than SIZ MOV 7
If either STR or DEX is equal to or greater than SIZ, or if all three are equal MOV 8
If both STR and DEX are each greater than SIZ MOV 9
MOV is affected by age in the following way
If age is in the 40's
deduct 1 from MOV
If age is in the 50's
deduct 2 from MOV
If age is in the 60's
deduct 3 from MOV
If age is in the 70's
deduct 4 from MOV
If age is in the 80's
deduct 5 from MOV