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Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature. –Marilyn Monroe

When one tugs at a single thing in nature; he finds it attached to the rest of the world. –John Muir

Enter a world where sex, sexuality, and sensuality are integrated into the residents' daily lives. Not as something that people pine for and wish they had more of, or an ordeal that must be borne to keep the relationship together, but accepted as a continual expression of the generative power of the world. Charm is the life force that accumulates in all living things, that courses through body fluids, and which some learn to manipulate to achieve great, mystical effects. Welcome to Canera.   The eventual plan is to podcast the various components of the Chronicles of Canera. There's the main story (currently about 200K words, might be a million by the time it's done), a prequel (25K words), a bunch of peripheral vignettes (so far 4 short stories and a novelette), and a series of journal entries written/dictated by an Earth biologist dropped into Canera and trying to make sense of a completely alien setting.

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