Relationships With Magic

This article doesn't really have anything to do with the running of a game, but it does help to provide context and may provide some useful tips regarding how a player might approach playing a character of a given class. In Candle'Bre, every class of spell caster has a different understanding of, and relationship with magic. Below, I'll step through each spellcasting class to provide specific examples of what I mean.  


Artificers are the closest the game comes to having a playable "scientist" class, and Artificers really do take a more scientific approach to magic. They see it as just another form of mechanical energy to be harnessed. This is the reason that Artificers don't get many augmentations. They're after predictability and repeatability, so they don't dip their toes too deeply into the magical waters. That way lies chaos and unpredictability. Not good. So Artificers basically skip along the surface of magic, employing it in highly reproduceable and predictable ways and thus, they avoid Corruption effects altogether.  


Bards are my personal favorite. They're basically "Hold my beer!" spellcasters. They honestly have very little idea what they're doing and no firm understanding of why what they're doing is working but they're generally clever enough to make it work anyway. Bards are that. Clever. As such, they get tons of fun/humorous augmentations and flourishes to their spells, but their magic does tend to backfire more often and note that Bards don't add their Proficiency Modifier to their spell checks, which makes them about 15% less effective casters than Wizards. Even so, the bardic 'winging it' approach is more or less effective, if a bit unpredictable.  

Clerics and Paladins

Their understanding is that magic comes from their deity. Spells are a reward for faith and devotion. Uphold the tenants of faith and stay true to the oath you swore as a Paladin and the magic keeps flowing because you are seen as an asset to your god. This is also the reason that alignment drives a lot of what a Cleric/Paladin does. Your Cleric character shares alignment with their chosen deity and thus, shares a certain outlook on the world. Anyone outside the bounds of that outlook is "other" and their otherness actually works against the power of your magic, which is why most clerical healing spells see reduced effectiveness when used across alignment barriers.  


Rangers don't get a lot of magic and honestly, they don't need a lot. Much of their magic replicates and augments survival skills and what doesn't is designed to straight up murder their enmity foes. When facing enmity foes, Rangers are actually more fearsome than fighters, and in the wilds, a Ranger is dominant, but significant parts of any campaign will see them fighting stuff other than their enmity foes and outside the element they're most at home in, which brings things back into balance. A lot of Ranger magic is elemental in nature, but it's mostly a garnish to round out the character class.  


Warlocks honestly don't have a clue. They have no freaking idea how or why magic works, they just accept that as a consequence of their pact with their Patron, it does, and that's awesome. Warlocks are conduits through which magical energy passes. They help complete a magical circuit on the Prime Material plane in the service of their Patron.   In some ways, they are like Clerics and Paladins, in that some other, powerful entity feeds them their spells and enables their power, but where the Cleric's relationship with their deity is based on faith, service and devotion, the Warlock's relationship with his Patron is much more transactional. "You help further my ends in the Basin, and in return, I'll grant you X powers."  


Wizards not only have the most Manna Points of any class, they also have more tools at their disposal to recover their Manna when casting, so they can cast far longer than any other character in the game. Wizards scoff at Warlocks who have no comprehension of the power they wield, and consider Bards to be rank amateurs. They roll their eyes at Artificers who are too terrified of the chaos that lies beneath the surface of magical waters to delve deeply.   Wizards go where these others fear to tread. They get it, and as such, they unlock the full power and potential of their magic. Sure, sure, they don't get quite as many augmentations as Bards, but honestly, most of the Bardic spell augmentations are fluff from the Wizard's perspective.  Of course the downside is - Wizards end up casting more spells, which means they end up seeing more corruption effects.  Every good Wizard has suffered for their art.  Every single one.  There's a price to be paid for wielding the kind of power a Wizard wields.


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Jan 16, 2022 21:20

This is a wonderful idea! I'm going to get to work on something similar for my own world right away :D

Jan 16, 2022 22:13

That's fantastic - let me know when you've got something put together - I'd love to see what direction you take! :)

Jan 17, 2022 15:51

Got it pretty much finished up here if you wanna read it :)

Jan 18, 2022 16:55

Absolutely LOVE what you've done with it! Fantastico! :)

Jan 18, 2022 10:35

Interesting read! Trying to make sense of the 5e magic system has been something I've returned to time and again. I have thoughts like these written down in my general "Magic" -article, link below.   I'm definitely going to go for a custom hard-magic system for my next world. But that's yeeaaarrsss in the future, I think. But I'll surely read up on your magic system as preparation for that :D

Jan 18, 2022 16:58

Thank you very much! And I read your article - enjoyed very much! Followed your world too and you're on my reading list - looking forward to diving in and seeing what makes it all tick. LOVE the old school map style you're using - what application/site did you use to make those? They look fantastic!

Jan 18, 2022 21:14

Wow, hey, thanks :D I don't know if I'm good at using follower notifications and my primer/intro articles are unpublished, but there should be quite a bit of stuff to read for sure. Hope you like!   Maps made with Wonderdraft. Can recommend! It's a suuuuper powerful and flexible tool.   They also have a software for making dungeon maps! Dungeondraft. Great for DMing if not necessarily worldbuilding.

Jan 18, 2022 21:24

Yes yes! TONS of very cool looking material for your world - can't wait to dive in! And thank you for the recommendation. I created the world map for here using Inkarnate - am pretty happy with the result but Ima buy Wonderdraft and experiment with it too!