Luminese Cottage
Purpose / Function
Luminese cottages are the typical family home in Lumin. Generally meant to hold 2-3 generations of a family at one time, the rooms are large but the hallways are very narrow.
As the Luminese are a very community oriented people, one typically only moves out of their family's house when there is simply no more room. Even individuals with little to no family rarely live alone and are typically found living with friends and supporting one another. This may or may not also have anything to do with the concept of safety in numbers, considering the woods are swarming with Fey.
It is not uncommon for cottages to have extra rooms added onto the sides as a family grows. Sometimes they can later be used as guest rooms for anyone passing through town when the ones using that room move out. These rooms often have their own external doors as it is easier than cutting a hole into an existing wall.
Another common addition is for a sloping roof against one wall to keep stovewood under. Some houses even add on small sunrooms to grow herbs and such, though this is uncommon due to the cost of glass, particularly in the more rural villages.
Common houses in Lumin are typically constructed from either wattle and daub or, rarely, wood with stone framework at the foundation. Roofs are thatched and feature a chimney, usually near the centre. The walls are typically left in neutral colours, sometimes decorated with bright nature motifs (usually featuring solasigh), but the front door is almost always painted some bright colour.
Most of these buildings will have two stories, the ground floor being for the kitchen and communal areas, with the upper floor divided into bedrooms. Hallways are known for being quite narrow, typically only wide enough for two people to pass each other if they walk sideways. A house can have up to 6 functioning bedrooms depending on the dynamic therein. If the house has windows, they're usually filled with wooden slats and covered with shutters. Glass windows are typically only found on the coast and in Rionna.
The communal area features a large central fire pit which provides most of the heat for the house. Most cooking, however, is done on a wood stove in the kitchen area.