Calnis Photograph Of Kate

Photograph Of Kate

Artistic creation

16:04 - 9th June 2003 AD

Allison took the photograph of Kate that resides in her locket.

Kate was kneeling down in the local park wearing a red dress and Allison had captured the exact moment where her smile made her forget everything. It was July, and the Sun shone down on the park reflected off a metallic slide behind Kate, adding a touch of lens flare and a halo atop Kate’s dark blonde hair. And even though the photo was too small to see, she knew on her chin was Kate’s ‘battle wound’. Allison laughed as she remembered how Kate had tried to protect Allison from a swinging rope in Gym class, but instead it whipped Kate’s forehead. She was so surprised, she staggered backwards and knocked Allison over. They both fell down in a heap, and Kate bore the brunt of the attack.

Related timelines & articles
Allison Timeline (article)
Kate Timeline (article)
Allison's Defeat Timeline (article)