Calnis Daniel's Funeral

Daniel's Funeral

Life, Trauma/ Loss

2003 AD
1st October 14:00
2003 AD
1st October 18:12

During the wake, Allison meets Alex, Malcolm, and Tara who have a cryptic conversation before being taking by Naomi.

‘We’re friends of your father’s, my name is Tara, this,’ she gestured to the shorter of the men, ‘is Malcolm, and,’ another gesture to the other man, ‘Alex. We need to talk.’   ‘Make it quick.’   Tara sighed. ‘When we were at school, we had this group. It was a foolish and childish thing that nearly got us killed on many an occasion. I’m surprised we’re still alive.’ She paused. ‘Well, most of us, anyway. We considered ourselves investigators, and we specialised in the unexplained or weird. Eventually, something happened that made us realise it was possibly too much for us. And we bear the responsibility today with the consequences of our actions leading to these events.’   ‘Tara,’ Malcolm butted in, ‘we don’t have time, she’s probably already on her way. Allison.’ He sat on the edge of her bed and looked her in the eyes. ‘We need to know, was there anything, anything, Daniel said before he died?’   ‘You come into my house,’ Allison said, her voice a little louder than she would normally have it, ‘complete strangers, and ask what Dad said to me?’ She looked at the others. ‘You haven’t even asked how I feel!’   ‘Alli,’ Tara began.   Allison pointed at her. ‘You don’t get to call me that!’   ‘Sorry, but we need to know. You can be angry at us later. The day before the wedding, he asked us to meet him. He had some important information and that we needed to “get the gang back together”. Your father wasn’t stupid, if he had information, he would’ve passed it to the person he trusted the most. From what he told us, you’re the person he would tell it to. Please. What did he say?’

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