Sharan Organization in Calmóran | World Anvil


Sharan is a small territory bordering the Atollis Gulf and the Blackburn Dominion. It is home to a group of humans with a heritage lost to the ages, but that they work to reclaim through recording of their oral histories and recovery of lost pieces of their culture that has struggled to persist. The region is under the protection of the Blackburn Dominion and is ruled by a council made up mostly of elders and those deemed wise or experienced.   The Shar have lived for centuries as slaves and servants to both the highest and lowest classes of people since their fabled homeland fell centuries ago, but they have persisted, holding on to what vestiges of their culture and heritage they could until they found a place to settle in peace and solitude. Since then they have cut the majority of their culture and people who have chosen to reside in their new lands from the outside world as they work to reestablish old traditions and relearn what who they were.   The Shar have a special sect of their people who are sent out to learn about and understand the lands, people, and traditions of the world. They often specialize in subject of study, returning to their people to enlighten them about their discoveries. This leads to the central belief system and goal for the Shar: Enlightenment.   The Shar teach that all living things are sacred and to be respected. All living things are also connected. When a creature dies its soul travels into the afterlife, but in time returns to the world born anew, in a new form and new life. This process repeats until the soul has become enlightened and rejoins their god. One day all souls will attain enlightenment and rejoin with their creator who will defeat their enemy and the enemy of all creation, entropy, removing them from creation. Though they believe this god exists and was their creator, they do not believe they are the kind of god who interferes in the affairs of mortals. Instead, they believe that a part of their god resides in all creatures' souls, but so too does a piece of entropy which must be overcome through the process of reincarnation.
Geopolitical, Protectorate
Alternative Names
Haven, Terran Protectorate
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations


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