Hauflin Species in Calmóran | World Anvil


Hauflin, known more colloquially as “halflings” or “hobbits,” are the oldest existing ancestry native to Glan’Amar. While the common idea of halflings tends toward the comfort-seeking, indigo smoking farmers and gardeners of Calenard and parts of Tol’Galen, the brave hauflin are the originators of several ancient civilizations in the time before the elves, and are named as heroes in a time when they fought against primordial threats like the Yuan-ti, primordials, and more. The hauflin eventually succumbed to the influence and rule of the elves after their inception on the world alongside several orc tribes. Some scattered hauflin kingdoms survived the elven conquest, but those were isolated to far reaches of the lands of the elves, treated as vassal kingdoms, or across the sea in Lithria. Today, hauflin retain the bravery, ambition, and hard-working nature of their ancestors even after centuries under the control of the elves of Eldaria. Though no hauflin nations exist as they have in the past, there are communities of hauflin scattered throughout the world.

Basic Information


Haulflings are short, often stout, humanoids that stand anywhere between 2'8" and 3'6".

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Hauflins are known for cultivating a plant known as Neslaima, Sweet Indigo, pipe weed that comes in several forms.
150-200 years
Average Height
Average Weight

Notable Hauflin:

Raisa Osgar 
Captain Wink the Sodden

Cover image: Beyond the Wall


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