Cait Sidhe Character in Calmóran | World Anvil

Cait Sidhe

Cait Sidhe (a.k.a. King of Malks)

The King of Malks, and to some the king of cats, is a powerful lord of Winter and trusted advisor to Queen Mab.


Malks (sometimes known as "grimalkins") are a species of sentient fey cats that prowl the lands of Faerie. They are supernaturally quick and strong, and can become nearly invisible at will. Each is about the size of a bobcat and they travel in packs to avoid being outnumbered. They have long been used by Mab for both subterfuge and shock troops.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cait Sidhe is a feline the size of a mountain lion, but built bulkier. His fur is long and jet black aside from one patch on his chest. He has large golden eyes and a wide mouth that looks unnatural (imagine an evil cheshire cat). His claws are always bared as large scythe-like blades and his teeth are like daggers.

Special abilities

  • Fur so black he blends with the shadows.
  • Supernatural speed and strength.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Cait Sidhe would, even by their appearance, be underestimated by most mortals, but he holds a greater intelligence than most mortals and a cunning that makes that intellect a weapon. Cait Sidhe can speak several languages, though finds it beneath him to speak a language that is not Sylvan.

Morality & Philosophy

Above all Cait Sidhe honors the Old Law, the laws of hospitality and the Unseelie Accords. An afront against the Law is an afront against his Queen and all of Winter in his eyes. Even in the home of a hated enemy Cait Sidhe will abide by all laws to the word.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Malks
King of Cats
Large, gold, cat's eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pitch black aside from a white patch on his chest
8 feet long
220 lbs


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