Aasimar Species in Calmira | World Anvil
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For nearly 500 years, the continent of Kesara has been locked away from the influence of gods. The Winged Tyrants - the draconic rulers of the continent - have shielded the land from their deific powers. In doing so, they also trapped whatever emissaries of the gods had been in the prime material world at the time. Angels, empyreans, deific guardians, and other creatures used as messengers or avatars have been locked in mortal stasis for centuries. Some have begun interacting with mortals whom they now see as companions more than subjects or worshippers. As such, many have born or begotten half-deific mortal children. Where once aasimar were seen as rare, perhaps even legendary gifts from the gods, they are now simply another race - of no more interest than a half-elf or gnome.   Some cultures still blame the gods for abandoning them in the fight against the Winged Tyrants centuries ago. In these cities, aasimar can expect a certain amount of derision or even descrimination. Other cultures, desperately seeking the return of the former gods, might seek out or praise aasimar in attempt to favor the gods who are - as these cultures see it - the distant ancestors of the aasimar.   To complicate these mixed feelings about the aasimar even more, a new faction is forming on Kesara. Deus Novum - the New Gods - is a semicohesive sect which believes that, perhaps, the celestials left on the land could attain a form of godly power if enough creatures believe in them as gods. Many aasimar are swept up in this movement, and become evangelizers of these beings.


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