Spellwriting Technology / Science in Calidan | World Anvil
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The way all spells are written, this grammar is used to indicate a spells components, then categorize these components into inputs, variables and outputs. The result of these components will be a spell of varied utility: be it fireballs or panaceas, spellwriting can make it all.
Access & Availability
As spellwriting is a grammar, its availability is directly correlational to the amount of people that can understand it.
The grammar of spellwriting is about as complex as a computer language, sharing similar traits in terms of syntax. While the basics of the grammar are simple to be picked up, complexity is added on with the addition of variables. Variables can be used to describe certain natural laws and observable phenomena as long as the writer and user have a basic understanding of the law (for example, variables are able to include force in their explanation as long as the writer and user have in their head a basic understanding of force (F=ma or any other such principal). As long as they have an idea about what it means, the variable will follow that meaning). This means that the complexity of spellwriting and the amount of things you can do with it is correlational to how much you understand about other topics like physics and anatomy.

Articles under Spellwriting


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