Palvadi Boltcaster Item in Calidan | World Anvil
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Palvadi Boltcaster

Lightweight, durable, and compatible with industry standard convergence cores, the Boltcaster is the weapon that makes the backbone of the Grevaldan army. Factory made, unmodified rifles come with three firing modes to be compatible with any situation: force (blunt attacks designed to deal strong impact damage through armor), stun(a strong electrical charge designed to incapacitate), and pierce (an armor peircing attack designed to peirce through heavy armor).

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A small chamber in the rifle stock contains etched spellwriting designed to offer different firing modes, changed by a switch on the right side of the barrel next to the convergence core socket. The spellwriting is also in charge of making the trigger fire the mechanism. The rifle also has a socket fit to hold a stock military grade core. Stock rifles also have a backup core stored in the stock of the weapon in order to sustain the spells long enough to replace the main core.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
6.5 lbs
3ft X 6 in
Base Price
2 gp
Raw materials & Components
Standard issue stocks are made of Trevalgan hardwood. The barrel, socket and triggering mechanism are all tempered steel.


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