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35 T.A.

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Calanthi is a nation founded at the beginning of the Second Age of Exploration. It was founded by an expedition of nobles from the Old World that traveled north across the Great Sea looking for a fabled lost Elven City. Upon reaching the north shore they soon discovered the ruins of an old city with many fine stone structures in ruins visible from the ships. The Duke sent a party to the ruins never to be heard from again. A second party found remnants of two members in the first party, frozen for eternity in stone. They surmised they were up against some evil able to turn victims into stone and so prepared themselves for the worst, ultimately defeating two Medusae. The ruins were declared off limits in hopes they would avoid wakening any greater evil before having the army able to deal with such terrors.
A colony was founded, which became a nation, expanding into hundreds of square miles of fertile lands. The Duke became a King of his own nation and the major nobles all became his trusted advisors. The king divided the land into three portions. The Royal Province lay between the Chrystahl and the Green Rivers. The land west of the Chrystahl River was the First Duchy for the Prince, the oldest son of the King. The land east of the Green River was for the King's second son and Duke of the Second Duchy.
In the early days, there were often skirmishes with orcs that ranged in the plains north of Calanthi. Over time these became less and less frequent. The land was settled and put under the plow. Thousands of acres of fertile farmland were developed. Forests were carefully managed to supply timber for the construction of homes and sailing vessels, owing to the strong sea faring traditions of the people. Most stone and iron products had to be obtained, at least in raw material form, from the Old Country. Now the country cries for more independence.
But the King has more on his mind than that.