Human Species in Calandyrion - The Great Conjunction | World Anvil


The Aboriginal People arrived some 50,000 years ago from the Southern Landmass. They rapidly swept around the west and east coasts in parallel movements meeting around the area now called Rhapsium. The movement from Southern Landmass to Calandyrion was the result of a series of hazardous sea voyages across a series of islands northeast the Southern Landmass. The journey involved advanced planning skills, four to seven days paddling on a raft, and a total group of more than 100 to 400 people. A population collapse resulting from the wars of the Great Conjunction and their need to find hiding places where they could hide. During the time of the Aboriginal People the entire population maintained a practice of both agriculture and aquaculture cultivation.

By about 35,000 years ago all of the continent had been occupied, including the southwest and southeast corners. Evidence suggests that occupation of the interior of Calandyrion by Aboriginal People peoples during the harsh climatic regime of the last glacial maximum (between 30,000 and 18,000 years ago) was highly dynamic, and all arid landscapes were permanently occupied only roughly 10,000 years ago.

As Aboriginal People understood it, the Dream Being retained control of all power and fertility, which they would release automatically into the human realm as long as humans followed their blueprint; this included the regular performance of rituals to ensure a continued flow of life-giving power. Spirit beings were used as messengers to communicate with the living and to introduce new knowledge into human society. Through dreams and other states of altered consciousness, the living could come into contact with the spiritual realm and gain strength from it. Diverse features of the landscape provided tangible proofs of the reality and world-creating powers of the Dream Being and a rich complex of myths, dances, rituals, and objects bound the human, spiritual, and physical realms together into a single cosmic order. Despite the uncertainties involved in a subsistence culture, Aboriginal People had an intense sense of self and a religious confidence in their ability to cope with and control their physical and social world.

There was one very disturbing fact the Aboriginal People did discover and that was that about every 1500 years something would come along and disrupt the natural order of things. Demons would roam the continent and the Aboriginal People discovered that another race, now called elves, would appear to do battle against those demons. Sometimes the elven races would win and other time the demons would prevail resulting in very dark times. During the times when darkness ruled the Aboriginal People would go into hiding and over time evolved into what are now commonly known as dwarves, gnomes and halflings. There is little evidence left of the original Aboriginal People race and even less of their history other than an occasional folk tale. However, the dwarves, elves, and gnomes keep a historical record of the eras while the halflings have their oral traditions.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Humans have two arms with a reach ranging from 5' to 7'. they are bipedal having two legs between 28" and 34" and they have a large brain. Human hair color ranges from reddish to black, brown, blonde to almost white. Human haw two ears to hear and two eyes which provide them with binocular vision in the normal range of light. Their eye color spans the spectrum from brown to amber, green, blue or violet.

Genetics and Reproduction

Human females give birth to a child after a gestation period of about 270 days.

Growth Rate & Stages

Human transition from infant and almost constant supervision by an adult. They then progress through childhood their teenager years while learning to function in society and learn skills, Then, as young adults they will participate fully in their society. Finally, as elders they pass on their wisdom and learning to others.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans adjust to living everywhere but they tend to remove more from nature than they return and have to move on.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivorous.

Biological Cycle

Humans have a lifespan of about 90 years although some may live to be over 100 years old.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans live in communities of 50 to 500,000 which tend to be organized around a single leader.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans can be found living anywhere as they can be very creative in their use of the environment.

Average Intelligence

Average intelligence ranges between 90 and 110.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hearing, Sight, Touch, Taste, Smell. Some may use Magic and in rare cases some are Psionic

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Surnames are frequently a reference to the town or region of birth. But may refer to their chosen profession.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien Sapien
Average Height
Humans range in height from about 4' to 6'6" on average.
Average Weight
Humans females average about 140 pounds while the males average about 180 pounds.
Average Physique
The females range from petite to large and voluptuous while the men range from scrawny to muscular to rotund.


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