Chapter 6 Crossroads Report in Calandyrion - The Great Conjunction | World Anvil

Chapter 6 Crossroads

General Summary

The following is a report of discussions taking place during the President’s Advisory Council Meeting concerning recent events in Marganation.

The day started fair enough except for the snow that was falling. When the members of the Force Patrol arrived, it was clear that Dolly was still missing and something was going on with Fülgur as he was gorging himself on a ham hock, looked emaciated and remained silent through most of the day’s events. As the Force Patrol entered the council chambers, they took note that President Penry was in a huddle with Aurora, Bemed Woldgrip, Geren Wenderfoot and Slepra Consbilick and two others they did not recognize. Shortly after the breakfast hour the meeting was called to order and President Penry introduced the members of the Force Patrol, to the council members and then introduced the two strangers, Hagnon and Elven Princess Eloen Elna, to the Force Patrol.

In order that everyone share the same background information Ameny asked the Force Patrol to tell of the events leading up to and culminating in the Gnoll Ritual performed on the day of the Winter Solstice. All members of the Patrol Force were present, except Dolly, Merric and Ren shared responsibility for that presentation. Their presentation gave their recollection of those events despite some inaccuracies in the details (For a more accurate accounting of those events see the description given in the report of June 28th. 2019).

Thereafter, Princess Eloen introduced herself as a “friend” of Ameny Penry indicating that he had come upon her fighting orcs almost 30 years ago and thinking she needed assistance entered into the fray. When the fighting was over, we had a few laughs and shared an ale at “The Cool Apple Tavern” and have stayed in touch over the three decades since. Eloen then related her heritage as daughter of Queen Meloen and King Rhys Elna. Eloen then told the story of the “Dark Tower” and the battle between the followers of Mitra, a human god, and the followers of Set and his Lich Pnessutt. Eloen closed with the story of the “Sword of Hope (See: The Sword of Hope). It is Eloen’s desire to see if the “Sword of Hope” can be found in time to be used during this “Great Conjunction”.

Geren went next describing the events on the docks of Pangation where he found the Force Patrol encountering a demon just prior to his journey to Caesion. Bemed then named that demon as a Maw Demon. He described how he was able to banish the demon back to the Abyss and sat down.

It was then Slepra’s turn and, as is her want, Slepra had been traveling throughout Rhapsium during the events leading up to the Gnoll Ritual. Slepra’s observations indicate that Rhapsium is in a state of chaos with fights breaking out between the Warlords and the Pirates. Slepra went on to tell that drug use was increasing among the citizens of Rhapsium. In closing, Slepra shared that miners appear to have found a new vein of gold not far from the base of the glacier on “Alba Mountain”. The finding of a new gold mine was a surprising development and probably the result of a recent, unexplained rock side.

When the mage, Hagnon, stood he brought attention to the histories he had been studying, in Smetium, regarding the “Great Conjunction”. Hagnon indicated that he had been experiencing subtle changes in his magic of late. Returning to the “Great Conjunction” Hagnon described that, on the occurrence of each of the past conjunctions, the constellations in the skies had changed and reports in the histories hinted that the Scimitar entered the “Gash” as it is called. Apparently, when the Scimitar enters the Gash the Conjunction is at its strongest and the fates of Good and Evil will be decided for the next 1500 years.

The last speaker was, Aurora who related her own hunt for the Gnolls and the distractions she encountered while searching for their lair. “I lost track of the Gnolls shortly after encountering your Force Patrol in May. However, I have come to be informed by Druids of other orders that “dark forces” are now traversing the Sivil Plains. Orcs are moving into the mountains from all over Marganation, occasionally demons are rumored but the Druids have not yet been able to confirm this. In conclusion, the Druids have determined that the skies are being darkened by dust swept up from barren areas on and around the plains. We currently have Druids wandering the Sivil Pains, the forests east of the Central Mountains, and the mountains of both the Central and Eastern chains to determine if in fact demons are walking Calandyrion in numbers larger than usual”.

With Aurora’s presentation finished lunch was called for.

Just as lunch was ending a bell rang and Emperor Yis Thiot was escorted into the room. Herein is a summary of his actions.

Impatiently, the Emperor moved Nabnivar aside and approaching aggressively while giving the impression that he held a fair amount of disdain for the others in the room moved to a place directly in front of President Penry. Immediately, the Emperor began speaking without any apparent thought for rank or esteem saying, “President Ameny Penry, I remember you, today, with the fate of our world in the balance, you gather your friends. They are your friends are they not? No don’t answer that. But I am right am I not Slepra? Oh, Slepra don’t protest I knew your purpose even before you did.” After giving Slepra a glimmering look that would wither many a lesser gnome the Emperor turned once more to Ameny and with an appraising glare continued, “I digress, Ameny, you did not think to invite me, to this meeting, in these dangerous times to request my help”.

It was then that the Emperor took notice of Merric Lightfoot and turned his gaze looked with some surprise upon Merric. Emperor Thiot spoke again “A hah Merric, fear me, do you? As well you should but not for the reasons you hold. Come stand closer to me that I may speak to you of your parents”. Merric did not move as the Emperor continued “You know that your father was killed during the Clash of Swords. As your president can tell you, The Clash is to be a non-lethal test of skills with winners gaining some level of Honor among the cadre. Unfortunately, a death occurs, accidentally, from time to time. However, your father’s death, while tragic, was an honorable one and should not be undone. Over the years when someone is killed, the families are provided a monetary compensation to aid them through their time of grief. To further complicate matters, your mother committed suicide before assistance could be offered. Because of the death of your father and subsequent suicide of your mother left you an orphan it was necessary that I punish the man whose foolishness created the situation. I was forced to have him executed.” Reaching into his breastplate Yis brought out a small pouch and offered it to Merric saying “Accept this small amount in compensation for your loss.” It was then that Merric approached the emperor and received the pouch that was offered. Merric took a quick look inside the but said nothing of what was within.

With that done, Yis Thiot went on “I would hear what the others know of recent events”. but when Ameny hesitated Yis chose to go on, “As Slepra has undoubtedly informed you, I rule Akkalion with an Iron Fist. This is true and many believe me to be “Evil Incarnate”. Who is to say? It is possible that were I to share with you a bit of my history your perceptions may be changed. I do maintain a large mandated army. It is not a voluntary, professional force like your own Ameny whose job is to defend your boundaries. Mine is designed for two purposes, the first was to create, in your mind, the idea that your nation were in danger of invasion and force you to create a strong defense. Know this Ameny, I have no desire to lay claim to your lands but by doing as I have done you are better prepared for what I fear is to come”.

”The second reason for my army is this, I use my army to confront those that are undead wherever I may find them. For you see, centuries ago, alas, I am that old although not nearly as old as the elves. I made an Oath with Death that I would serve to fight such creatures until I kill the final lich”.

Yis continued, “To begin, as a young lad I was without purpose but lived only to help others as I might. Once I gave my word to help, I worked scrupulously to do what I had promised and provide that help. Alas, I wandered the lands of Akkalion aimlessly until I happened upon my master. I was a young man of 18 years when I met a stranger. The man, as I did not yet know with whom I was speaking, told me nothing of himself but asked me if I was a trustworthy person. I replied that I had never broken a promise made in my life. The man asked me if I worshipped God to which I replied that I had never seen anything that led me to believe that the Gods ever did anything to help the lives of men. The man asked me, If I can prove to you that Gods do intervene on behalf of their faithful would I make an oath to follow that God? Being naïve, I said that I would.

“Shall I continue?” Yis asked to which Ameny nodded. My master then laid his hand upon my brow and immediately I was shown the many ways in which the Gods intervene in the lives of their followers. Some helped in positive ways improving the lives of those less fortunate. Others pushed their believers to acts of violence and hate. Finally, my mind overwhelmed, my master relented and asked if I believed now. How could I deny such visions and the influence of the Gods in the lives of their followers as my master had shown me. With that my master required of me an oath that I would accept and complete any training he would provide me. I gave that oath and promptly began my training. I was taken to a place where I was taught the magic of runes and the effects of fire upon steel. When finally, I became knowledgeable enough to create my own Rune Sword I was commanded to do so by my master. When it was completed my master requested an additional aspect to my oath. From that point onward, I would maintain and protect cemeteries containing the remains of the honorable leaders of men and their countrymen.”

”My training continued and I learned magics that frightened me but I continued my studies and learned to call to my aid a Necro-mount as steed, a conjuring of immense power and loyalty. Once again, my oath was amended to include a commitment that any Oath, I offered to another would never be broken on pain of losing my skills until an act of redemption is made. I freely made that oath.”

”Since that time, I have remade my weapon 3 times each time imbuing it with new and stronger magics. I also became skillful enough that I now claim as my steed, a Wyvern, stronger than I ever thought possible. Finally, my training complete, my master came to me once more. It was then that my master required one more coda to the Oath I had given my Master. From that time forward, I would never break an Oath freely given, I am to complete any training my Master offers to me, I will protect cemeteries and those contained within, and finally, I am to destroy any and all unnatural and undead creatures. I quickly agreed and much to my surprise my master’s appearance changed and the visage of Death stood before me. Death told me that while many worship Death as a God, his followers did not worship any God of Death but that he Death was but an escort for those that die and are headed for the afterlife. Death completed my education by telling me that from this time forward it was duty to seek out all aspects of undeath and that my greatest duty was to destroy a Lich named Sulzex. It seems that Death considers Liches to be the ultimate evil of the world because they interfere in Death’s responsibility to guide those that die in their transition from Life to their Afterlife as determined by the gods they followed. With the addition and my training completed and my “Oath” given, Death leaned down kissed my forehead and took my life into his own being leaving my neither dead nor alive. Over the centuries my own visage has changed to what you see before you today.” The Emperor’s appearance gave the impression that he was no longer living. It seemed as though he existed in two worlds. His garb was as black as darkest night and his eyes gleamed as if they were emeralds.

Yis continued, “I would hear now that which is known to you as I am to help fill in gaps in your knowledge. I do not profess to have all, or any, of the answers you seek but I will provide the information Death deems necessary for the upcoming Great Conjunction. But I would add this. if you will agree to share with me what you know then all that I have will be given you along with my Oath to serve Death and fight alongside you during the course of the current “Great Conjunction” whatever may come our way”.

[Upon the completion of Yis’ presentation the entire city was rocked by a fairly strong earthquake. With the need to get updated on the effects of the earthquake Ameny called for an adjournment and rescheduled with the members for the next morning. The purpose of the next day’s meeting was to make decisions as to be what should be done next and make plans accordingly. As the meeting ended it was still snowing.

When the meeting ended Fülgur indicated he was going temple. Merric handed his pouch to Ren who then moved to the barracks. Merric decided to follow Fülgur to the temple. Along the way each discovered that the earthquake had caused a fair bit of damage to sills and the facades of buildings although none were toppled.

When Fülgur arrived at the temple he immediately looked for counsel from the other clerics. When he was finished, he went back to the altar to pray. As Merric entered the temple he found Fülgur praying and entering a trance. Concerned for his friend Merric roused Fülgur so as not to lose him for another six weeks given recent events.

On their way back to the barracks Fülgur thought to look in on Dolly. They found her at home cleaning house and as happy as a lark. However, much to their chagrin they discovered that all of her memories were once again lost except for her ability to recognize Fülgur as a friend.

Upon returning to the barracks, Ren showed Merric the complete contents of the pouch the emperor had provided Merric. It contained 26 platinum pieces and a teardrop shaped ruby of unknown value. The gem was vaguely reminiscent of one described by Bemed during the deliberations of the day.

The next morning, 2 July 2019, another day fair to look at but with snow continuing to fall, meant a return to meetings. The entire Force Patrol was there, including Dolly, as were Ameny’s friends, however the Emperor was not. The ruby that the emperor had given to Merric was displayed to the Council at which time Bemed and Eloen became excited. Hagnon took the opportunity to cast upon the teardrop ruby a Detect Magic spell identifying the stone as a strong source of magic. While Hagnon was using his magic to discover what he could of the stone Bemed and Eloen digressed into a jumbled discussion of dwarven and elven histories, stories and rumors. When Hagnon had finished Ameny called for order in the council chamber.

Once order was restored Ameny asked Bemed and Eloen what had them so animated. The two alternated relating histories, stories and rumors about the “Tear Shaped Ruby”, the making of the two swords and the prophecy that if the ruby were to be placed onto the “Sword of Hope” then hope would rise again during this “Great Conjunction”.

At last, a decision had to be made as to what the groups focus should be: the members of the Force Patrol gave thought to leaving Ameny’s employ to adventure on their own or even to discover the secret of the Doppelganger that was alleged to have killed Ren’s uncle, should they investigate the chaos brewing in Rhapsium, hunt the Lich Sulzex or go in search of the “Sword of Hope”? In the end, it was decided that searching for the “Sword of Hope” was in everyone’s biggest priority. In order to give aid to the Force Patrol Bemed provided information regarding the location he thinks the sword may be found. He indicated that the “Sword of Sightless Eyes” was forged by a demon on a dwarven forge deep in a mountain known as Gar. Within that mountain was a dwarven forge, but that forge was lost when the dwarves, who were mining for Mithril, dug too deep and released the demon that forged the “Sword of Sightless Eyes” for Manahath, a Son of Set. Unfortunately, the names of many of mountains have changed over the past 1500 years so that all that is currently known is that Gar was located at the center of the Central Mountain Range.

As the final decision was made Emperor Thiot finally made his way to the Council Chamber with an extra-large duffle bag in hand. Upon opening the bag, it was seen to hold items of plate armor, shields, a wand, a black onyx dog, longswords, broadswords, a mace and potions. The Force Patrol members chose what they wanted or thought they could use in their quest so that once the meeting ended, Ameny ended the Council meeting with a request that everyone meet briefly the next morning. Some of the Force Patrol retired to their barracks and familiarize themselves with their new armors, shields and weapons. Walking to their barracks the snow was still falling.

It should be noted that Emperor Thiot offered an insight from his Master which indicated that once again Marganation will be the location of the final battle for Calandyrion but until that time he would be investigating the whereabouts of the Lich known as Sulzex. The other members of the council were to return to their homelands and undertake efforts to organize a military response in defense of Calandyrion. Finally, as noted above the Force Patrol will go in search of the “Sword of Hope”.

Summary Report to President Ameny of meetings held on July 1st and 2nd, 2019 with of the Presidential Advisory Council

Nabnivar Snodgrain Chief Force Patrol Records Officer

Rewards Granted

Magical Plate Armor, Shields, A Wand, Black Onyx Statute of a Dog, Short Sword, Long Sword, Broadswords, A Mace and assorted Potions.

Each member of the Patrol Force were given the following: 1000 gold pieces, a horse and a dungeon backpack.

Character(s) interacted with

President Ameny Penry, Emperor Yis Thiot, Aurora, Bemed Woldgrip, Geren Wenderfoot, Slepra Consbilick, Princess Eloen Elna, Hagnon and Nabnivar Snodgrain Chief Force Patrol Records Officer.
Report Date
12 Jan 2019
Primary Location


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