Edict of Silence Document in Calagon | World Anvil
The Continent

Edict of Silence

By the authority of His Royal Majesty, High King Castus of Rainegate, Defender of The Realm, Sovereign of the Kingdom:  
In the solemn shadows of uncertainty that shroud our kingdom, it becomes imperative to take measures to secure the stability and well-being of our people. So I write to you, The Grand Assembly of Rainegate- Following the tragic events that befell High King Trumac III, and the uncertainty that surrounds the nature of the Hollowed threat, it is deemed necessary to reevaluate the dissemination of knowledge within our realm.

Decrees of Secrecy

Limiting Public Access
  All tomes, manuscripts, and scrolls containing historical records, arcane knowledge, and lore shall henceforth be restricted in their accessibility. Only those sanctioned by the Crown and the Grand Assembly may peruse such materials.  
Cessation of Public Discourse
  Scribes and scholars are hereby enjoined to cease public lectures, discussions, or any other form of discourse that involves the sharing of historical or eldritch knowledge.  
Secure Archival Storage
  All historical records and manuscripts are to be transferred to a secure archival facility within the Court of Kings, accessible only to members of the Grand Assembly and those appointed by the Crown.  
Oath of Secrecy
Members of the Grand Assembly, scholars, and scribes engaged in the compilation and preservation of knowledge are bound by a sacred oath of secrecy. Disclosure of classified information to unauthorized individuals will be met with severe consequences.  
Censorship of Publications
All future publications, whether in the form of books, scrolls, or other written materials, must undergo thorough scrutiny by the appointed scribes of the Grand Assembly. Only cleared and deemed safe for public consumption may be allowed to circulate.
Reason for Secrecy
Given the mysterious and malevolent nature of the Hollowed curse, it is believed that unrestricted access to certain knowledge may exacerbate the risks of madness and instability among the populace.   The tragic fate of High King Trumac III serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers that lurk within the vast realms of knowledge.
Violation of these decrees will be met with severe consequences, including but not limited to imprisonment, fines, and loss of life. This edict is effective as of the 3rd year, 20th Oakseer.
High King Castus Sovereign of Rainegate Defender of The Realm   Sealed with the Royal Insignia
Decree, Royal

Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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