The Irenic Guisard Profession in Cairne | World Anvil

The Irenic Guisard

Law and order, despite the distance the world has come since the Blight fell, still leaves a great deal to be desired in most places, and political corruption runs deep in nearly every culture in some way or another. The Irenic Guisard is the rare individual that has decided to step into the role of being a symbol for the people they feel closest to or with to represent. By donning a disguise and making a show of fighting for the people under their charge, these stalwart Musicians move to keep the peace and inspire change, forcibly if needed, in the cities, towns, and villages they protect. They are well versed in martial skills, but by utilizing their abilities, even more effective in that they are able to influence the rhythm of a battle in their favor, influence people to stand with them, and then vanish into the gloom, leaving behind them an ideal and a story that often grows far beyond themselves.

Cover image: irenic guisard by Midjourney


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