Hunter Profession in Cairne | World Anvil


The Outlands settlements are ramshackle things held together on hopes and sweat. The people that opt to make their homes there struggle daily with the most mundane things imaginable, things the urban dwellers of the larger cities seldom have to worry about. Food is one of the biggest of these, and the Hunter is one of the most welcome additions to their ranks. The ability to not only find animals that are edible within the toxic and mutated ranks of life there, but the ability to survive for long periods of time on their own in the wilds, and to bring down said animals and preserve the meat that can be gotten from them. These brave souls are masters of tracking and survival, and are well versed in the ways of trapping, skinning, and preserving. It is said that there is nothing a good hunter cannot find, and in a world where darkness prevails and horrors wait in the shadows, these are the individuals most will seek out when someone goes missing.
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Cover image: hunter by Midjourney


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