Forodal Character in Caerdwyn's Toll | World Anvil




Cover image: by Unknown

This graceful Grey Elf is slim of build, has long silver hair, and has suffered from the effects of the diminishing, as noted by the visible age in his face. He seems saddened by the world around him, he smells faintly of the morning dew on the grass.

2 3 2 2 2 3
2 12 10 1 0
  • Skills:
    Ranged 1 (cdd),
    Verse 2 (ccd),
    Operating 1 (cd),
    Leadership 1 (cdd),
    Knowledge Lore 1 (cd)
  • Talents:
    Song of the First Born (Action): Forodal makes an Average dd Verse check. For each s the check generates, one ally within medium range adds 1 b to their next skill check. For each a, one ally benefiting from Encouraging Song heals 1 strain.
  • Abilities:
    Fading of the Firstborn: Add 1 h to all Willpower-based checks.
    Elven Grace: No penalty for moving through difficult terrain.
    Keen Eyes: Elves see twice as far as other races, and when making skill checks remove up to 1 b from Darkness.
    Lords of the Umanyar: Forodal adds 1 Boost die to all Leadership checks.
  • Equipment:
    Short Bow: Ranged ; 7 damage; Critical 3; Range [Medium] ; Unwieldy 2.


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