Belobog Ziemniak Character in Caerdwyn's Toll | World Anvil

Belobog Ziemniak

Lord Paramount Belobog Jarskylo Ziemniak (a.k.a. Wolf-Bane)

Leader of House Ziemniak

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and physically built, has a regal bearing, wears royal but simple clothes.

Body Features

Pale skinned, light blue eyes, pure-white hair and beard.

Facial Features

Glorious white beard.

Identifying Characteristics

Scar across nose from battle.

Physical quirks

Right-handed, regal bearing.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears blue tunics with silver edgings. Has a white wolf pelt as part of a cloak used for ceremonies. Has a silver winged-crown, as status of being the lord of Zima Krol-Kon.

Specialized Equipment

Wields Storm's Might.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Trained with the Zimnian Hussars on the field of battle. Educated in military tactics in Storm Haven. Educated by father about rulership.


Began as mercenary to gain martial experience. Then became Lord Paramount. Currently Lord Paramount and Hand of the King.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Took Storm's Edge from House Volkov in the field of battle. Saved the Riverlands from House Volkov's attempt at subjugating them.

Failures & Embarrassments

Afflicted by a strange ailment in 1396, led to realization that all men are mortal, even the most simple of ailments can kill anyone. Resolved to prepare people even more for the coming frost.


Breaking an oath, kin-slaying, betraying kin.

Personality Characteristics


To prepare people for winter.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Horrible at intrigue and lying. His word is his bond. Masterful at fighting, and renowned for it.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes House Volkov, things they're a bunch of exspansionistic tyrants. Likes the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain. Loves his people. Dislikes the Church of the 7 (Storm's Might doesn't help with this at all).

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, kind, follows the law to the letter.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sees other Noble houses as corrupt, and wishes to either change their ways, or eliminate them.

Personality Quirks

Paces when nervous, deadly calm when angered.


Prefers to stay clean, but is fine getting bloody and muddy.


Family Ties

Military - 40.6k

16,240 Soldiers, 24,360 Cavalry, 29,774 Support

From Each Duchy

3,248 Soldier, 4,872, 5,955 Support

Fighting Force/Duchy


Religious Views

The Old Faith

Social Aptitude

Confident speaker, natural leader, refined but not "posh".

Hobbies & Pets

Likes to spend evenings watching nature.


Speaks bluntly and with purpose. Often stern, but can be jovial.


Wealth & Financial state

Lord of House Ziemniak. Quite rich, but prefers to invest money into developing the people and protecting the realm.
Lawful Good, Honor-bound
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Paramount of Zima Krol-Kon, Wolf-Bane.
Year of Birth
1331 69 Years old
Kindly light blue eyes.
Long flowing pure white beard, neck-length pure white beard.
6ft 1in
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The frost always comes"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common [Anglish], Zimnian, Dwarvish and Imperial.
Character Prototype
Imagine Eddard Stark from GoT, but with a neck-length white beard and the same length of hair.

Cover image: by Unknown
Character Portrait image: by Gilles Ketting

4 2 3 3 4 4
5 24 19 0 0
  • Skills:
    Charm 2 (ccdd)
    Coercion 2 (ccdd)
    Cool 2 (ccdd)
    Deception 1 (cddd)
    Discipline 2 (ccdd)
    Divine 2 (ccdd)
    Leadership 3 (cccd)
    Knowledge (Geography) 2 (ccd)
    Riding 3 (ccd)
    Melee (Light) 2 (ccdd)
    Negotiation 2 (ccdd)
    Vigilance 1 (cddd)
  • Talents: Adversary 2
  • Abilities:
    Show spoiler

    For the King: When targeted by a combat check, this adversary may spend a out-of-turn incidental to have the combat check target an engaged ally instead of themselves.
    Tactical Direction: May perform a maneuver to direct one allied medium range; they may perform an immediate free maneuver or add 1 b to its next check.
    Let's Ride:Mount/Dismount as incidental. No fall dmg from falling off mount.
    Command 1: +1 b/rank to Leadership checks. Effected people get +1 b to discipline checks for 24hrs.
    Parry Improved: hhh or d on attacker's roll when parrying, auto hit with weapon, dealing base damage.
    Defensive Stance 4: Suffer strain up to ranks, until end of next turn, attacks against self, difficulty upgraded by amount of strain suffered.
    Second Wind 5:
  • Equipment:
    -1-H Axe (Ancient 'Axe of Perun') Melee (Light) ; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [Engaged] ; Reinforced, Silver Anathema, Superior, Vicious 1
    -Perun's Wrath: Bright flare of light from the Axe of Perun, causing a bolt of lightning to crash down from the sky at a target within long range. Only works if Perun wants it to, he won't harm people who aren't against him without convincing. Formidable Divine check. 8 damage + 2/un-cancelled success. Sunder, and Pierce = to knowledge lore.
    -Perun's Blessing: The smell of ozone fills the area, as the axe head glows gently, and heals the target for 2 + 2/uncancelled success. Only works with a storm over head, and unobstructed view of the sky.
    -Chain Shirt: +1 Soak


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