Myrmidon Technology / Science in Caen | World Anvil
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Myrmidons are the Iosan equivalent of Steamjacks, though there are many difference in the function of these machines. The most fundamental difference is in relation to their power source. Rather than using a fuel-fed steam boiler, they rely on arcane and self-sustaining power that require neither the burning of coal or other fuel. Instead of creating energy from an exothermic reaction, it uses an arcane condenser to siphon latent energy from the surrounding, augmented and regulated by subtle geomantic and celestial alignment. After being condensed, power is accumulated into storage cells. Energy can subsequently be released to drive motors powering their limbs or energy field.

To Humans it appears as if these engines create power from nothing, but the truth is both less miraculous and considerably more complicated. It is technically possible to deprive a myrmidon of power by insulating it entirely from its surroundings, but in practice, this rarely happens.

The Elves of Ios prioritize efficient movement over and guerilla tactics. As such the Myrmidon is built to move quickly, require little fuel, and recharge itself. This results in a somewhat less sturdy machine that requires several hours to recharge itself after utilizing its arcane stored energy.

Repair parts are extremely difficult to acquire, making it almost impossible for most to repair if completely destroyed.

Energy Reliance. A myrmidon needs power from its arcane condenser in order to function. When a myrmidon’s energy reserves are depleted, it ceases to function until its condenser passively accumulates sufficient energy. A myrmidon expends 1 charge of its arcane condenser for each hour of operation, and other systems might require additional charges to operate.

A myrmidon needs to be idle for at least 4 hours to recharge its power reserves. After this period of inactivity, the myrmidon’s arcane condenser regains all its charges.
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