Greywind Tower Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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Greywind Tower

Formerly an outpost designed to guard Llael's western border along the edges of the Iosan wilderness, the crumbling Greywind Tower was an important stronghold of the Llaelese Resistance during the Khadoran occupation. As their only major fortification besides the city of Rhydden, the tower was a vital mustering point for the Llaelese forces—a place to regroup, resupply, refuel, and repair Steamjacks.

During this time, Greywind Tower also became the de facto headquarters of Thorn gun mages, the remnants of the Loyal Order of the Amethyst Rose. The oldest organization of gun mages in Immoren, the Amethyst Rose began as a clandestine group that served the kings of Llael, often on secretive missions in other nations, and they were among the earliest members of the Royal High Guard when it was first instituted in 274 AR.

When King Rynnard died in 595 AR, the members of the Amethyst Rose refused to give up their vows to the crown, even after Prime Minister Glabryn disbanded the Royal High Guard. Membership in the organization had previously been secretive, but after the king’s death, the members of the Amethyst Rose adopted signature black attire in mourning for the end of the royal line. During the Khadoran occupation, the remaining members of this order became some of the Resistance’s greatest heroes and were responsible not only for the executions of many key Khadoran leaders, but also for dangerous missions that helped turn the tide of major engagements. These ragged, fatalistic patriots made Greywind Tower their new base of operations, setting up shop in a disused chapel.

Though the royal line has been restored, the Thorn gun mages retain their mourning dress, now in mourning for the many Llaelese lives lost during the Khadoran occupation and the Claiming that followed. Several members of the order’s leadership have been elevated to the aristocracy by the new queen, including Fynch di Lamsyn, head of the order and one of the few survivors of the old Royal High Guard. Greywind Tower serves as both a border fortress guarding the nation against threats from the eerily silent Iosan woods and as as a training ground for the nation’s gun mages.
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