Rhydden Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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Located on the borders of the vast Iosan forests, Rhydden was once notable mainly for its breathtaking views and highly desirable wines. It served as a home away from home for nobles throughout the Iron Kingdoms, and aristocrats from Cygnar, Ord, and even Khador often kept summer homes here alongside Llaelese nobles.

During the Khadoran  occupation, however, Rhydden took on new significance as the last major free city in the kingdom. Under the control of Duke Gregore Delryv, one of the only members of the old Noble Council to survive the wars with both his lands and his title intact, the formerly picturesque city became the stronghold of the Resistance and home to thousands of refugees from western Llael.

Although remnants of the fortifications from that era still ring the city walls today, Rhydden is once again far from the front lines of most potential conflicts, even though the newly elevated Archduke Delryv eyes the ominously silent woods of Ios. The city is also home to a monument erected in memory of those who died fighting for Llaelese independence, a wall of white stone engraved with thousands of names.
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