Brunder Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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Many of Rhul’s most important cities are located on the shores of the Armsdeep, but none are growing faster than Brunder. The city was originally settled by dwarves, but its massive growth is driven by the thousands of Ogrun who call the city home, outnumbering their shorter neighbors by nearly two to one.

Partly due to its distance from the Rhulfolk capital of Ghord, Brunder is seen as relatively lawless, at least by Rhulfolk standards, and many mercenaries and privateers in Rhul come here, either in hopes of making their mark or in an attempt to avoid capture by the authorities of the Moot of the Hundred Houses. Despite this reputation, however, Brunder is a clean and orderly city that is simply growing at a much faster pace than its steadier neighbors. There’s no better place in all of Rhul to hire the services of a mercenary, especially if one is looking for a bit of ogrun muscle—and there’s no better place for a mercenary company to hang up its shingle, either. The only downside is all the competition, but with so much demand, no mercenary in Brunder stays unemployed for long.
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