Ghord Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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A masterpiece of masonry unsurpassed in all of western Immoren, the Rhulfolk capital of Ghord is made up of a staggering series of towers and walls that have been meticulously built stone by stone over the centuries. Even though only two thirds of the city is aboveground, it is nonetheless a staggering sight—an awe-inspiring series of towers and walls that is home to nearly half of the kingdom’s citizens. It is here that the Moot of the Hundred Houses meets, and it is also here, as nowhere else in Rhul, that the worship of the Great Fathers affects every aspect of life. The Church of the Fathers is present in each of the city’s thirteen districts, and most of the wealthiest clans maintain private churches and priests of their own, with each one attempting to show up its neighbors with expensive and elaborate displays of piousness.

More than merely the capital of a nation, Ghord is the seat of Rhulfolk society, with history carved into the stones of every wall and worn into the ruts of every street. Many of the most important conglomerates that handle dwarven industry and trade maintain their headquarters in Ghord, including the Ghordson Foundry, which makes many of Rhul’s famous steamjacks, including the popular Ghordson Driller. The city is also home to the dwarven wizards of the Brand of Odom.
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