Ogrun Species in Caen | World Anvil
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Ogrun are fierce-looking, formidable creatures who tower over most other races and are capable of remarkable feats of strength. They are also a tremendously honorable people who have earned a place for themselves in the Iron Kingdoms, primarily as laborers and peerless warriors.


Ogrun are known for their size. With most standing at least 7 feet tall, their broad frames of burly muscle have given them a reputation as brutal warriors and skilled laborers. Ogrun skin ranges in color from pale hues to deep black. Many have a ruddy, brownish skin. Their hair is typically dark and bristly, although males typically lack hair on their heads and prefer to wear rugged beards or other facial hair.


Ogrun are one of the major Dhunian races, and they remain a spiritual people despite the changes their society has undergone within Rhul. Traditional ogrun culture is rooted in a simple but effective system of feudalism whereby young warriors called bokurs must eventually find worthy leaders to serve. Elder ogrun in turn hope to prove worthy enough to earn the binding oaths of young bokurs, for whom they then carry a certain responsibility. The ogrun in the leadership position is a korune—a lord—and there can be multiple layers of vassalage in an ogrun tribe, with the leader being whoever boasts the largest chain of subordinates. General obligations are secondary to personal oaths, and even Rhulic ogrun feel the urge to find a worthy korune, generally after an extended period of wandering and self-testing.


Scattered tribes of ogrun still exist in isolated pockets, but most have integrated into the cultures of the kingdoms of western Immoren. The largest concentration of ogrun is found in Rhul, where ogrun are counted as full members of the dwarven clans to whom they have sworn fealty. Ogrun loyalty is legendary, and they have a reputation for being among the most dedicated and fiercest bodyguards in western Immoren. Mercenary ogrun are deemed more trustworthy and reliable than other sell-swords and can command a premium wage.

Rhulic ogrun have adopted many of the beliefs and priorities of dwarven society, including taking great pride in their work. While most ogrun choose to master the combat arts, there are many accomplished ogrun smiths, masons, and mechanics who tackle these professions with the same dedication as a bokur mastering his battle-glaive.


Although most ogrun have two names, many mature ogrun have three. The second name indicates their family; some wandering ogrun have been known to drop this or even to adopt a descriptive name in its place. Female names tend to contain softer vowel sounds than their male counterparts. When they swear themselves to a korune, ogrun typically adopt their korune’s name as an extra surname, using it as a mark of pride in their allegiance. This third name is normally used only as part of formal introductions or ceremonies.


Ogrun reach maturity in their midteens, but they do not live as long as other races and seldom live past 75 years.


Ogrun tend toward lawful alignments. When an ogrun swears an oath to a leader or cause, breaking that oath is all but unthinkable.


Ogrun range between 7 and 8 feet tall, with massive bodies weighing in excess of 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Huge Stature.

Your large size allows you to wield two-handed weapons in one hand. When you use a weapon with the versatile property, you always use the damage value in parentheses that appears with the property.

Imposing Presence.

You have proficiency in one skill of your choice: Intimidation or Persuasion.

Powerful Build.

You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.


Ogrun are hardy and blessed with naturally tough hide. You have a +1 bonus to AC when not wearing heavy armor.


You can speak the Molgur-Og dialect and can speak, read, and write one other language. This language is usually the common tongue of your home kingdom.

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