Vecna Character in Caelvoran | World Anvil



The Whispered One

Vecna rules that which is not meant to be known and that which people wish to keep secret. Evil spellcasters and conspirators pay him homage. The Whispered One ascended to lichdom after assuming a mastery of the dark arts that no mortal had ever achieved, before or since. He is considered to be the most powerful wizard and lich to ever exist, as well as the most evil. Vecna rose to godhood during the Second Era, taking advantage of the chaos that ensued following the Wretched’s defeat. Forced to participate in the Rift, he now seeks to usurp the powers and positions of all other gods until he is the only god left in existence.

Divine Domains

Death, Knowledge  


Secrets, Undead, Necromancy

Tenets of Faith

He commands his followers to:  
  • Never reveal all that you know.
  • Find the seed of darkness in your heart and nourish it; find it in others and exploit it to your advantage.
  • Oppose the followers of all other deities so that Vecna alone might rule.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil


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