Gruumsh Character in Caelvoran | World Anvil


Gruumsh is the chaotic evil god of destruction, lord of marauding hordes. Where Bane commands conquest, Gruumsh exhorts his followers to slaughter and pillage. During The First Era, the unblinking god of destruction unleashed the savage multitudes against the Wretched. However, when the war was over his fellow gods mistrusted and feared Gruumsh’s bloodthirst and continued desire for conflict. No longer faced with a common enemy, the twisted creations he had made turned their attentions to the native denizens of Caelvoran. An intervention, headed by Moradin, prevented The Ruiner’s swath of destruction through the material plane. Gruumsh has neither forgiven nor forgotten this.

Divine Domains

Tempest, War


Destruction, Conflict, Battle

Tenets of Faith

The One-Eyed God gives simple orders to his followers:
  • Conquer and destroy.
  • Let your strength crush the weak.
  • Do as you will, and let no one stop you.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil


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