Fi'kri Mara'hid Character in Caelvoran | World Anvil

Fi'kri Mara'hid

Master Librarian of the Mas'Uld Bibliotheca

Incredibly intelligent, but lacking in social fortitude. Fi is reclusive and spends most of his time in the library. He is a master of transformation, and spends much of his time taking the forms of various animals (he is especially fond of mice).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Plump build and rounded features

Special abilities

Fi has worn glasses since he was 4 years old, and when people speak he sees the colors of their words. The breath changes depending on who is speaking, and some magicks cause interference, but—generally—he's able to decipher the truth, feeling, and power behind spoken words. It is much easier to read these things—he perceives ink as having been dyed with the intentions of the writer, and so—rather than navigating complicated social networks—Fi stays a talented scholar.

Apparel & Accessories


Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fi once stood in court and defended a tiefling who most believed to have committed one of the assassination attempts on the royal family after the abolition of slavery (many extraplaner beings were upset with the change in policy since the trade had been extremely lucrative through Khard). Eventually, it was revealed that the assassin had been a close, trusted advisor to the crown, and the tiefling was allowed to go free.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2600 PR 401 Years old
Short, black, and frizzy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep blue
Aligned Organization


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