The Hanging Tree
This tree is almost as old as the town of Wolfden. It has seen a lot of history and most it wasn't good. It saw its fair share of Aurelians hang, whip, and beat Mbali and other dark skinned ethnicities.
Over time whippings and beatings went down but the number of hangings have gone up. The pain, anger and grief built up in the tree. When Isabella died, it incorporated her coffin into its roots. It also incorporated Maude’s grief, then her anger when she was hung. Maude’s death was the last one on the Hanging Tree. The people of Wolfden were scared of her last words, though they never said so aloud.
Twenty-five years later, all that pain, anger, and grief, especially Maude’s, erupts and abducts the children of Wolfden and hangs them on its branches.
The tree has since been torn down.
Shadow and rot! I don't understand how anyone can act like this? No one should treat another person like. Too hate that much based on skin color alone... I just don't get it. I hope something good came from tearing that tree down. Though I can't help but wonder how the tree was able to do what it did... What exactly allowed it to use all that pain, anger, and grief? Could Infinite Grace have any thought in that?
Item type
Creation Date
26 Verdantia 1800 AR
Destruction Date
26 Verdantia 1950 IE
Current Location
Owning Organization
I wrote that last question down becuase I thought of it. But sitting back and thinking about it, I know better. He wouldn't do that to children. But something about made that tree come alive and lash out. Those poor children...