Shadowfang Whisker Basket Item in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

Shadowfang Whisker Basket

As seen in

Manufacturing process

  • Shadowfang Whisker Preparation: The Shadowfang whiskers are carefully harvested during the molting season. Skilled Elves then clean and treat them with natural oils to enhance their strength and flexibility.
  • Eldertree Selection: Thin, pliable branches of Eldertree are chosen based on their desired thickness and length. These are also treated with natural oils to prevent drying and cracking.
  • Weaving the Basket Base: The Elven crafter starts by weaving the Eldertree branches to create a sturdy base for the basket.
  • Incorporation of Shadowfang Whiskers: Individual Shadowfang whiskers are then carefully woven into the Eldertree base, creating the basket's walls and shaping it to the desired size and form. Depending on the complexity of the design, intricate patterns might be woven using contrasting colored whiskers.
  • Accenting and Finishing Touches: Once the basic structure is complete, the Elven crafter might add decorative accents like beads, charms, or woven patterns. The basket is then finished with a light application of natural oils to protect the materials and enhance the overall look.


The Shadowfang Whisker Basket is more than just a practical container; it's a cherished heirloom steeped in the history and legends of The Night Lands.   The legends surrounding the first of these baskets has been forgotten, even by the Elves.   A Legacy Carried Forward   Over time, the creation of Shadowfang  whisker baskets became a revered Elven tradition. The skill of weaving these baskets was passed down through generations, with each crafter adding their own artistic flourishes and symbolic elements. These baskets became prized possessions, not just for their practical uses but also for their historical significance and the blessings they were believed to convey.   Today, Shadowfang whisker baskets remain a cherished part of Elven culture.
Item type
Current Location
Current Holder
2 to 3 lbs
S: Diameter: 6" to 8", Height: 4" to 6"
M: Diameter: 10" to 12", Height: 8" to 10"
L: Diameter: 14" to 16", Height: 12" to 14"
Raw materials & Components
  • Shadowfang Whisker - The main structural element of the basket, carefully cleaned and treated to maintain its strength and sheen.
  • Eldertree - Is woven between the Shadowfang whiskers to create a sturdy yet flexible frame.
  • Leaves from the Eldertree are turned into handles for carrying the basket.
  • Elven Shears - Razor-sharp shears for precisely cutting and shaping the Shadowfang whiskers.
  • Elven Awls - Fine-pointed awls for puncturing the Shadowfang whiskers and Eldertree branches to create holes for weaving.
  • Bone Needles - Smooth, polished needles made from Orc tusk are used for weaving the Shadowfang whiskers and Eldertree branches together.
  • Shaping Molds - Elven crafters use smooth, carved stones to shape the basket during the weaving process, ensuring uniformity and desired form.

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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