Sayahafat Beast
Basic Information
It is a humanoid creature that is a direct descendent of dragons. It got separated from the others and remains in the Sayahafat Hills to tend to its young, who are in eggs. Has scales that shimmer like gold, elongated limbs.
Genetics and Reproduction
Eggs, unlike dragons who are hermaphroties, this creature has two genders that are required to inseminate the eggs and both are needed to make them hatch.
Ecology and Habitats
The intricate caves of the Sayahafat Hills.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Meat, fruits and berries that survive under ground. Occasionally the stories of someone's soul.
Additional Information
Average Intelligence
Highly intelligent
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Eyes like gemstones. Has the ability to create sandstorms over the desert hills, and the abillity to see into to someone's soul
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien Draconic
Conservation Status
Jumah protects this beast by providing equipment to travellers looking for it. While this seems contradictory, this equipment is specially made to blind the users to the truth. It takes extraordinary measures for the untried to overcome the equipment and see the Beast. It usually a Thalara who can.
Average Height
15 feet
Average Weight
5 tons
Average Physique
Robust build with sinous muscles.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A warm yellow colour for the scales with a metallic sheen to them, which is what makes them shimmer like gold in sunlight
Geographic Distribution